
I honestly don’t know what you were responding to, it wasn’t my comment. Hitler was a buffoon until he riled up enough hooples and nationalists who thought he could drive them into “retaking” Germany. I have to assume you’re a high school student; a college student who read the Fountainhead and either doesn’t realize

Hitler wasn’t Hitler until he was Hitler either you reductionist sack of trash. It is in fact a “conspiracy” if you want to call it that wherein the ultrawealthy and horrifyingly unskilled want to sit on their lillies and have themselves looked after by the capable but unable to advance due to bullshit societal

Your argument is that because Germans hurting from WWI and afraid for the future of their economy and country as a whole decided to use history’s punching bag as a scapegoat for their (Germany’s) failures and pointless aggression to help build a murderous ethno-state that killed millions, that the victims of said

And under the current regime that progress you tout is being curtailed, blatantly. And people are correctly alarmed. People are not free to say as they please as the leadership has openly adopted a policy of suggesting violence as a response to things outside of their line. Currently those in power are steering us

South America, it was one of the proposed locations, and there wouldn’t have been anywhere near the acrimony rooted in religion and blood claims that we have today. It would have been a benefit to everyone and the land to be used wasn’t in contention.

Dude specified: “in videogame history”. Apart from student loans at times being used to buy videogames instead of books you can pretend you’ve read I don’t see how your examples apply to anything that was said.

I miss Isha.

Joe Walsh?  Any member of the Eagles deserves what he gets.  

He has people that look at his bank statements. I’m guessing it’s more like when the food turns to poop and falls out the bottom = progress.

Practical actions” is the politician’s equivalent of Un’s twisting trump’s arm behind his back and making him lick his shoe.


“Let me tell *you* something, pendejo. You pull any of your crazy shit with us, you flash a piece out on the lanes, I’ll take it away from you, and stick it up your ass and pull the fucking trigger ‘til it goes “click.”

Colonel Sanders being the architect of the matrix actually fits perfectly into current events.

See but aren’t they collecting a state check for fostering them? That incorporates greed into the mix providing an extra motivation in a way that prop “missionary work” would just come off as passe in the current climate.

I considered slave labor but you can’t tookerjawbs slaves. You can only do that to the illegals that you simply must hire to staff Mar-A-Lago because those “filthy animals” are simply forcing themselves on the ultrawealthy determinants of who gets employed with their diabolical scheme to work themselves half to death

Thank the baby Jesus that Trump supporters saw fit to stick it to all of these ivory tower East coast elites and remove them from the highest power positions in the land. Especially President and a major check to his power. Georgetown prep being the name of a technical high-school in Oklahoma, I assume.

Seems a lot more likely the plan was to have them rot in cages indefinitely. Those good christian homes are crowing more and more about ethnic purity and blood libel, or at the very least backing those who are.  

Man, Scarlett Johansson is really out of control.

Wait... Kotaku hired Captain Beka Valentine?  That's awesome.  Please don't hire Kevin Sorbo though, that guy... He took a wrong turn somewhere.

Yeah, I find it extremely troubling that anyone would willingly engage with and or pay attention to Michael Rapaport a man who seemingly lives every second of his life as the one guy in the universe who is both too ugly and trying too hard to land a cameo in a Quentin Tarantino film, despite having been in a Quentin