
This exactly. Tired of waiting tables and not being recognized for his undoubtedly nonexistent artistic talent, this pig-fuck decided to get famous by being a racist. To be fair it’s very en vogue and has a very public proven success story.

Well, he’s president, so if he can get an excuse to use nukes, that’s the last thing people will remember about him. Going out on a high note and all...

Millions of supporters with no concept of linear time. People who would call themselves champions of the underdog, you know, nazis, confederates, the 1%...

You monster! Garrison Keillor is the number one cause of me sticking my head out the window, then decapitating myself by hitting the switch and raising said window.

Unfortunately, his sycophants would rage that it was a murderous conspiracy and liken to Passion of the Christ, the closest to religion they’ve ever come.

Hold it, dude. Buildeth fortitude for thine intestines.

She’s just trying to murder her way into pop’s good graces. She’ll be the apple of his microphalus yet!

Man, that “apology”: “It’s a bummer she had a problem with it, though she is wrong to. Actually, we are have street cred. with all of our sexual assault survivors, so let us reiterate our platform without addressing whatever her deal is. That said, we would be glad to throw out a hollow in person apology that we

Counterpoint: Rum-chata

The Bernie bro performance art trolls are really ramping up recently both here and on the concourse.

:). And there it is. you could have just led with this, and given everyone a good laugh.

I saw Trump winning because of the woefully uninformed and childish reasons that caused people to throw in with Brexit. Reading and seeing people explain why, and how many said they did it as a protest vote never thinking it would pass was sobering, to say the very least. But I was literally shocked that PA went to

You haven’t made any points you cretin. I’m somewhat convinced you don’t actually know the name of any politician. You haven’t addressed any idea, nor have you stated any. It’s blind luck you didn’t vote Trump, because you are Trump.

Since you seem to be unaware you aren’t arguing for embracing ideas, at all:

So a troll and a moron. I was doing so well with fatuous... Bernie (Stein?) never would have won, sport. You should probably let that go. You’re right, civil war is the answer. There are ways to stand up to conservatives that work better than dismissing them as morons.

That said I’ve never engaged in this but to say it’s unthinkable is ludicrous. I have, however, said that it’d be nice to see an election like ‘52 in my lifetime where both candidates recognized that a country can’t stagnate, nor can it function without ideas from both sides being heard and respected. Which should be

See my original post.

So you’re either a troll, someone who doesn’t understand juxtaposition, or like Trump simply can’t accept people not praising your fatuous arguments. Good to know.

I would assume that argument being made is I’d take an old-guard establishment republican over this particular parasite, if that is the only thing that would’ve won the election. Likely in effort to highlight a particular candidate’s fuckery as better that the current situation. Or to showcase parts of their

He is short for his position and had a muscle injury for who knows how long, combined that will kill throws to the middle of the field. I’ll admit I haven’t “gone to the tape” but I don’t remember him being egregiously bad throwing anywhere in 2015.