
@Zilor - Don’t forget combos (which function differently depending on character), dashing, rolling, counter attacking (Orochi/Valk timed dash), unlocking combat/movement/abilities (i.e. stampede or shugoki charge), stamina, unblockables, shield bashes/shoulder charges, hyper armor, staggering, blinds/stuns,

For Honor also has animation canceling feints as well as dodges, guard breaks, throws, parries, blocks, dodging parries that lead into attacks which is a character specific mechanic as well as attacks from 3 directions with 2 speeds/intensities.

That can be said for lots of titles.. (FH has it too currently.) I did say it’s “more chance” than strictly skill.. which I meant comparatively.

Eh. I’ve played the game, but not ‘thousands of hours’ worth because it’s not THAT great, it’s fun, but it’s niche players are very diehard. Which is fine, cool. But watching this, those movements are just ugly, stiff, and the way it conveys information such as striking and movement is messy at best or requires a good

It has a traditional fighting game layout. All fighting games are effectively ‘rock paper scissors’ yet FH introduces enough mechanics to make it technically interesting and tense. Chivalry is basically a omnidirectional hack and slash fighting game based on mouse movements with no real hard/soft counter mechanics.

Ummm you do know Honest Trailers isn’t actually meant to be taken seriously as a fair review of something right?

I have no sympathy for people complaining abou this because A: It does not affect gameplay in the least and B: The only time you really see emotes is as a replacement teabagging.

Poe’s Law is in full effect here.

a joke, right?

A snacktaku segment went horribly wrong. It affected timespace and destroyed his liver. Now brought hundreds of years into the past, in the cold wind swept pine of the Norselands will Fahey find vengeance.

Why is Fahey starring in the new God of War game?


Neither Sony, nor Microsoft are going to ever be able to “bring the heat” enough to satisfy the demands of people that predominantly prefer one platform over the other.

How can you start on Ultra-Nightmare when you have to play Nightmare all the way through without dying?

And they can. You can still get and install the mod, just not from Steam. Let’s not pretend like the discussion surrounding the mod was pure hearted and innocent. Paradox obviously doesn’t want that available through a channel it has control over.

Now playing

Kotti is a bit of a Hitman genius. He did a Blood Money speedrun at AGDQ a few years back:

I don’t know, to me the anime versions don’t really capture what gives the originals personality. It’s like they just take the setting and stick a cute-looking teenager in the picture and make it more colorful. Or that’s my pedestrian take on this art, anyway.

On the other end of the specturm, Anime girls portrayed through, um what you call these thing...

Umm, if you killed your brother you’d have more anal sex? Either something is being lost in translation here, or there’s a correlation between fratricide and the bunghole I’d never noticed before.

I like that when anytime someone uses SJW in a derogatory manor, you know right off the bat what kind of person they are and can ignore everything else they say about whatever it is they’re bitching about.