
Play it for the combat, stay for the combat and other cosmetics that aren’t ‘nearly’ that much. -- The ‘whole package’ is essentially a SP and MP game with a secondary component about looking cool that’s driven by the social elements.. Do those technically matter, no. But do they affect morale and general icky feeling

It has a traditional fighting game layout. All fighting games are effectively ‘rock paper scissors’ yet FH introduces enough mechanics to make it technically interesting and tense. Chivalry is basically a omnidirectional hack and slash fighting game based on mouse movements with no real hard/soft counter mechanics.

This was funny, though most of the jokes that are made to detract from it can be said about most games in general.

*shrug* I’m happy with the game and enjoy playing it, doesn’t change the fact the microtransactions are shitty for a full priced game, but they ARE cosmetic and detract only from a morale standpoint.

This is one of the reasons I think DOTA2 is a bit .. stupid. How intuitive is stuff like this?.. “Here, this mechanic will keep you stuck in a prison that you can’t escape unless you had the forethought to prepare to be stuck in the map”.. This game doesn’t easily convey much to players, often leaving people confused

Dynasty warriors, deep? In what way? Having played the game now, it’s pretty awesome.. Some people love the campaign, I was a bit disinterested in the third act.. Dynasty Warriors doesn’t seem to allow for much technical play, like the new ‘Berserk’ game, it has that sense of 1-3 buttons pressed 2-3 times over and

Didn’t see the supposed ‘douche’ driving you’re talking about. Middle lane car accelerated on him, the police SUV had no reason to close that gap to not let him in besides just not wanting to let him in. The Sequoia was a dick in response to him wanting to eat up that space for no reason. — Further, police vehicles

That guy in the middle lane accelerated up to that other vehicle for NO reason. “AH YES, EMPTY SPACE, I SHOULD INSURE NO ONE ELSE CAN USE IT” -- That was a complete dick move, sorry. I’m with the Sequoia who obviously needed to get to the far left lane and no one was being considerate enough to just let him merge. The

The single player campaign is actually decent and fun. Though it’s really an exercise in getting familiar with the kits.. It’s still a good 8-10 hours, somewhat comparable to say TitanFall 2.

There’s almost no need to grind for the heroes in this either.

Depends on your definition of ‘deep’, are fighting games ‘deep’?

The ‘dedicated’ server thing has been a non-issue for me. Also, as of yesterday, I’ve seen some people with some pretty high tier gear. Maybe the requirements of ‘grinding’ seem more tedious to people who don’t have tons of time to kill and work.. But the Tutorial, Campaign, and multiplayer all give points toward the

Men having options?! God damn feminists!

No Warhammer: Total War?

Now you’re just going to get people circle jerking their preferred console’s controller. Which is often directly tied to their long term experience with the console. As I am a Xbox One controller preferred person, I will say I was an early adopter of the original Xbox and really liked the ‘full’ controller sort of

I guess INSIDE was on the cusp of July for Xbox One.. But if you played it on PC it was in July (the 7th to be exact). Does it not count?

“as you can see from reading the article” - READ THE ARTICLE?! NEVER! Just make a pithy first comment that is easily agreed to by those who prefer ignorance!

Didn’t they have a animated clip in Knights of Sidonia?

Ah, yes:

There’s little reason to play Reinhardt or Winston? .. These comparisons are apples and oranges. I’ve always found Winston a little weak myself, but his role is entirely different. Winston is better at targetting fast squishy units and leaping in/out when necessary. D.Va also harasses really well, but is more

Gah! That cat’s dislocated jaw always bothers me.