

I hope it continues becoming popular.. I think there was a lot of initial skepticism and initial negativity in a ‘multiplayer only’ R6 game, but I’m hoping it’ll continue to grow.


Because the gamers are generally not coordinated, even in games where teamwork and communication is stressed, so to see it in action and executed in a way that emphasizes those traits is always cool to see.

If I’m not mistaken, didn’t SOMA do something similar?

I literally laughed between 39-48 seconds in watching people do tiny flips, twirls, barrel rolls, and then proceed to fly upward weightlessly. Looked like a mix between Peter Pan and Dragon Ball Z.. and then rainbow unicorn attack.. Artistically from a still-frame, it might look good, I’m not sure about those

And stuff like this is one of the many reasons I love the internet.. Useful almost seemingly arbitrary knowledge that you would otherwise never have found out.

Now playing

I honestly would have liked more comparisons between bullshot and actual game.. OR more examples of ‘raw’ images and ‘edits’ to see just how tricky they can be. — Hell, I would even be interested in how they render ‘in-game’ video demos used during e3 presentations? It’s obviously the same rendering engine but with a

What about Skullgirls?

I’m personally more of the opinion that it got couched in negative stigma when the notion of it being a launch title for xbox one was a point of contention.

Now that I’ve seen this in gif format, replaying over and over, I see the glaring issues with what he’s doing.. The entire top mechanism (slide and chamber with ejection action) would really damage your hand if you placed it on top. His left hand is wrapped around the slide when it fires.. Cool that he caught the

Jesus God this guys is so worked up about increased female representation in a genre sorely lacking in it.. He immediately attributes any use of a female character outside of a ‘protagonist’ or otherwise as ‘pandering to the femanazi agenda’ — LOL. Gotta love this stuff, you can’t make it up.. No idea what’s wrong

Silent Hunter 3 and Company of Heroes. <3 — Have you tried the COH Blitzkrieg Mod with it’s HD textures, updated graphics, and far more realistic combat?

Couldn’t agree more with “RealityIsMyReligion”, I’m not even entirely ‘upset’ by the fact they tried to trademark it as a show title? MySpace? Facebook? — There are tons of titles out there that are trademarked and imho that’s for good reason.. If we start seeing people utilizing their popularity to make content with

“I want skimpy old clothing”
“Done actually, right here.”

Oh, ok, glad I guess it. Phew. With the internet, I think a certain amount of ignorance just ‘has to be’ trolling nowadays. If you can punch it into a comment box, you can punch it into google, lol.

Oh, ok, glad I guess it. Phew. With the internet, I think a certain amount of ignorance just ‘has to be’ trolling

Like it or not games have an associated attrition factor.. Further in order to continue the developement of your ‘next set’ of characters, levels, or whatever, you will need to price current DLC at a price reflective of both the expense and the necessary profit to everyone involved. .. Can’t claim it’s overpriced

Now playing

I haven’t had a lot of time to play the game yet (looking forward to the weekend), but is there a lot of foreshadowing to what happens at the start of Homeworld? — I had so many feels: “Everything is gone.. Kharak is burning.”— It’s going to be weird keeping that in mind during the journey ahead.

I’ve heard some of it, but I never hear about cheating, throwing matches, people getting into fights, the sort of ‘fast and dirty’ feel of the whole thing.. I feel League has a ‘tiny’ bit more professionalism at the ‘showmanship’ in the scene, despite dealing with young/immature kids who throw their own drama fits at