If we grind Elon Musk in to a fine powder, his DNA can be on Mars in a matter of months.
If we grind Elon Musk in to a fine powder, his DNA can be on Mars in a matter of months.
While I cant be certain, I have a feeling a big impetus of this sentence was the wife’s insistence on not pressing charges or in any way supporting any incarceration. TMK, they haven’t even divorced, but stay married.
I have MDD.
I believe his wife asked to not press charges, which was a big factor. I think the state is also suing him for recovery damages.
Well, you see, linking the two would require sensible consumer friendly engineering. That’s not something Tesla does.
Ya, maybe a small metal stick, with unique profile that only matches a special hole on the car. You could carry it in your pocket, just in case.
If only there was a way to open a lock without electricity...
“As for Sanchez and her Tesla, she says she’s a fan of the brand, but told AZ Family that this latest episode has shaken her faith.”
I love the universal lack of fucks given for dealers here in the comments. I don’t know if there’s an industry more universally despised in this country right now.
Should have bought the cyber-security hack-proofing/under-carriage coating package. And the password change floor mats.
You really answered your own question with that photo. The Cybertruck is a flavor of the month oddity for wealthy. It will disappear once the newness wears off and the “trendy chasers” move on to something else.
I hope you are right about EVs. That would actually be awesome for basically everyone...if the technology in 5 years is just so much better than it is now, that everything now is obsolete. Though I am not sure why you linked to the R3 (which looks awesome imo), when that uses just regular battery technology.
I would never buy one, so my opinion quite literally does not matter. But... that is a vehicle and that is about where my positive thoughts end. The rest of my thoughts about everything else about this X3 are not positive.
I had never audibly gasped at a car interior until today. Yikes.
Add in the diesel exhaust students will not be breathing.
First Gear: Nobody deserves $56B pay package. Especially not as Telsas continue to pile up unsold.
that is “just around the corner”
Bullish investors justify Tesla’s valuation with a long list of reasons, pointing to its technology and fervent fan base
Re: Tesla....