A perfect 5/7 for you mate!
A perfect 5/7 for you mate!
Its mainly meant for women as i understand it. So they can reach hard of access part of their body.. like their, umh, back.
Its mainly meant for women as i understand it. So they can reach hard of access part of their body.. like their,…
How is buying a conaole easier then just plugging your pc in a tv??
Thank you Mike!! As always your post is awsome. You always manage to make them right in my center of interests! MOAR TF please :)
Superion, Jetfire, Metroplex, Omega supreme, Hot rod, Rodimus prime...... see? Was quite easy no?
i see what you did here....
yeah he does sound like a hypster.
I dont think that creating a seperate event is a good way to integrate women at all. Most of the time its that kind of thing that put off males in a domain where they are the majority.They should be treated as equals, not like a special case of any sort.
They are not included.
They are not included.
I agree with you. Also, I think we should come up with a name for doing that. Shnurping?