If “cosplay transport specialist” doesn’t win an award for the most ridiculously stupid made-up title for a job, I don’t know what else could.
If “cosplay transport specialist” doesn’t win an award for the most ridiculously stupid made-up title for a job, I don’t know what else could.
That’s straight fucked. Kickstarter should have given them an extension. I would have funded this. Kickstarter doesn’t give a shit about how people abuse their platform seriously. Just a long string of bad decisions by kickstarter...for all the good it does, its a shame they don’t bolster its platform security and…
He’s here in Tokyo now! Im gonna fucking go get something signed by him and hopefully steal his powers.
Come on photoshop guru’s don’t let me down. Let’s photoshop some Colossi in there for her to fight yo!
And they wonder why I have to pirate every movie in Japan. 1 It either is not released or gets released months or even a year later. 2 They do stupid stuff like this!
Well I guess I WONT be getting a PS4 this year afterall.
My TV is 10inches away from the wall, and a 42inch... is it too far way from the wall for this to work?
My TV is 10inches away from the wall, and a 42inch... is it too far way from the wall for this to work?
Holy crap you should see the newest post! It's pure madness!!!!!! I would love for the author of this post to contact David again and see what he gets as an answer!
I am one of the few backers that has actually received the gun. I am also not a $500 backer so I shouldn't have received my gun before the higher backing people, but I did. Err...the PROTOTYPE at least. But there hasn't been any talk about how shitty the gun is, I have posted a number of videos that show the gun in…
Someone needs to MERGE this with OUTERRA... then...well... we can live happily ever after in the perfect UNIVERSE/WORLD simulator.
AGHHHHHHHH that god damn lens flare makes an appearance in every fucking poster. I wanna track the photoshop novice down and kick them till they apologize for this!
I think Ryu maybe needs some crossfit.
The reason xbox one sucks in Japan, is because all those cool things you can do in the US, you CANT do in Japan. Period.
Are you sure that's a render and not just the reference photo next to the 3D sculpt?
Ahhh thats my Starbucks! The Starbucks in the east side exit at the bottom of the escalator! I believe they also have that same sign in the Yebisu Garden Place tower starbucks as well.
Right behind Tokyo Midtown!
I am certainly not getting my news from Kotaku, as I am sitting in Tokyo right now. I am stating the fact that a gaming blog covers more Japanese REAL news then the nightly news...therefore, yes, I think that's a problem in Japan. I am not criticizing Kotaku, I think it's great they highlighted this issue. I am…
Well the fact that Japan is trying to weaken it's laws to basically allow them to have an active military, is not a popular topic among Japanese. But the current government isn't going to give airtime to opinions that go against them. Certainly not going to give airtime to a guy setting himself on fire which is a huge…
It's news in Japan, because apparently salarymen setting themselves on fire in the middle of Tokyo bringing shame upon Japan isn't a newsworthy enough topic to cover for more than 2minutes of airtime. Nope, stealing anime posters...now THAT's news in Japan!
So.... developers that were working on the last gaurdian got so damn sick of waiting for their own game to be finished they started working on another game that's just like it, that in all intents and purposes will be released BEFORE the game they STARTED working on does. Pooof!