
Probably not a good idea from a PR standpoint to let the public hear the unbridled joy in your voice when discussing putting children in cages.

It’s pretty bad and a good look at why people vote for Trump and those like him. It’s the inability to have empathy for others not in your own situation. I mean god, I just want to scream at them and tell them to look past their own two feet. I also get the feeling this is why people don’t vote for education these


Sure, it’s like those people who can only understand rape is bad if they have a daughter or a sister.

“A lot of people yelling at you on TV don’t even have children,” said Carlson, ...

Good to know that you would similarly fail at a reading comprehension test.

I am oscillating between total numbness and murderous rage from one second to the next.

Not if youre faking it

Look, they simply have a zero-tolerance principle when it comes to law-breaking, just like their...uh...er...

Putting the morality argument aside for a moment (which I can’t imagine being on the side arguing this is moral), even from purely self-interest this is a fucking horrible idea for the US. THIS IS HOW EXTREMISTS AND TERRORISTS ARE MADE. This is ready-made anti-US propaganda. Further, many of these kids will be

Asylum seekers can also present themselves at a port of entry to legally ask for asylum. They are being separated from their children, too, even though they are going through the correct, legal process. That’s what most people are so pissed about.

If you have a Facebook account, look at the comments section of the BBC article about the responses from Laura Bush and Melania Trump. You will see Trump supporters trying to blame Obama or claim that it’s OK because the parents broke the law.

How is it even possible that in the span of less than a week we’ve gone from “We’re just doing God’s will enforcing the law” to “It’s a shitty Democrat law and our hands our tied” to “No such law/policy exists”?

When you begin to move the goalposts as to what constitutes an “illegal immigrant,” looking for any clerical error or mistake to justify stripping someone of their citizenship, it no longer continues being a sincere attempt at curbing what would be considered stereotypical border jumping.

Shitty father, husband, businessman, President, human being, etc......the list is practically endless.


He somehow took this post about an abusive relationship and turned it into a screed on confederate monuments, I think? It’s creative, I’ll give him that.

What does this ethics training say about purchasing $1200 in pens?

At this point, I genuinely don’t know what it’ll take for Pruitt to resign

this was the Studio 54 principle at play