Yeah, to access almost anything you have to use a smart phone RSA token or facial recognition app
Yeah, to access almost anything you have to use a smart phone RSA token or facial recognition app
Wow, you just helped me save some money come next tax season. My job requires me to have a smart phone but they sure don’t foot the bill. a 50% write off sounds nice.
For all the things I dislike about living in the southeast (endemic smile in your face racism topping the list!) housing cost is not one of them. That’s insane, I pay 1575 for a 2600 sqft house in Cary NC
Those Jabra’s look interesting, do you have any issues with sweat or them coming lose during a run? That’s the biggest problems I have with in ear buds without that little supporting arm
Pointing out an issue doesn’t preclude the existence of other problems. It’s an analysis of a theme that the author found problematic. Heather Alexandria recently put up a piece analyzing the representation of women in David Cage games. We deconstruct specific things from the whole to allow for a deeper analysis.
Time will tell, hoping Digital Foundry will do a deep dive into it. I personally think it was shown on some monster pc with the settings maxed and not what one will see on the final product on PS5 or whatever the next Xbox will be called.
I think it’s a semantics issue here.Pre-rendering is the process in which video footage is not rendered in real-time by the hardware that is outputting or playing back the video (generally encoded in video format). In engine or real time cutscenes are created in real time and carry a higher load on the gpu/cpu. This…
Maybe it was a setting thing, or like you said the mechanics of the gameplay didn’t appeal to you. It wasn’t just the non core rpg’ers who venerated it though. RPG’s have been my fav catagory of games since I first got Chrono Trigger on my SNES and to me at least Witcher 3 is the best I’ve ever played. Just different…
“Anyways, I doubt this is gonna be a hardsuits-and-mech-bikes sorta game, “
The latest trailer was not pre rendered. There’s a note at the beginning stating it’s in engine footage. They were certainly not gameplay, think of it like a cutscene
My thought is it’s a last ditch effort. Active shooter in the classroom already discharging rounds, even if it is liklely to get the teacher shot in cases like that they were probably going to be shot anyways.
Is there any confirmation that it won’t have a third person mode? I know they are saying it’s FP but that doesn’t preclude a TP mode necessarily. I’m a bigger fan of TP modes myself but aren’t too worried about it, as I plan on getting this on PC and even if it doesn’t launch with the game proper I’m sure someone will…
Well from a technical standpoint it was also just really well done (as noted by Luke Plunkett) Like the morphing of the lips, tightening of the jaw musculature and bending of the nose.
Religion causes fractures in political ideology. Catholics are anti-abortion which is typically conservative but they are anti death penalty which would be considered a liberal stance in today’s society
I think it’s an entitlement thing or something. They feel like all women should be available for them and can’t have teh gayz stealin them away.
I really want to get to the point where it’s just a given. Like Ellie is an awesome character who also happens to be gay. Finn is a cool scoundrel who happens to be black etc...
Yeah I was like, there is a difference between the act of procreation and being a couple. #NoEnforcedBreeding
To each their own I guess. I appreciate the weirdness. E3 is a show not a vidcast. They get once a year to let their hair down and fly their freak flags. I think it would be for the worse if this stuff went away.
Ubi is basically drinking Bioware’s milkshake and it’s straight up goodness. Anthem removes romance options while AC goes full Bromance (or Sismance)
it was also very poor of Kotaku to leak so much/ so little