
What I don’t understand is how the Justice Department were the ones arguing for the conviction nullifications? I mean what material reason would they have for taking such a stance?

I’ve played the second one but never the first. This seems like a decent opportunity for gangster nostalgia. Also it shouldn’t be any issue to just paste the soundtrack itself. I bet if there isn’t already, there will soon be a mod for that.

Also noticed the pronoun change on his part.

I agree playing early risks a ban. There are a certain amount of players that one will see online for a game prerelease though. Whether it be review copies sent early to games journalist or just people internal to the company that have gotten builds. Granted I don’t know how well they police those early review copies,

No, sorry if it wasn’t clear. The condescention according to her came when dealing with a small amount of male engineers who would think she was incapable on understanding any technical issues involved even when she would let them know she did.

The real truth is, the majority of gun deaths in America aren’t due to a mass shooting. They simply don’t get the press associated w/ mass shootings. They aren’t needle movers unfortunately.

This is a great thing, women in coding are under represented in the field. At my last two jobs we had only 1 woman in a dept of 30 N.E’s (Cisco) and 0 in a dept of about 40 (Verizon). It skewed that way in development also. When talking to a friend who got the same degree as me who is now a higher up in HR, she told

In the groin? In the groin! I feel sympathy pains right now. I wonder just how “Dad” thought that was going to turn out? Maybe the local “Dads 109" would give him a medal?

It seems this article in general has triggered a bunch of racists. It has always fascinated me why they are even here browsing the Root to begin with. They have no intention of comprehending any relevant information and just use it as some kind of weird anger orgy.

I agree, this should be the down cycle game. Mitigation is Ubi Montreal is lead and the extra year of dev time. I’m sure Ubi is aware of the cycle as well hence them going for a 4 year dev time for the first time since AC2. They were starting to feel the series slide into irrelevancy and seem to have a lot riding on

Oah man, you reminded me of the AC dev cycle curse. My only hope is they’ve avoided/broken it this time by having the Devs from Blackflag making this game.

Maybe in more civilised places like Kotaku, but on some other sites (Who Shall Not Be Named!) I still see a bunch of collecathon comments or uplay= nobuy

Haha I havn’t seen that before. I’m kinda stuck between getting it for consoles or pc. Due to the death of my GPU either or is gonna cost me some $$

I’m sure many “core” gamers will disagree but I’m really looking forward to AC Origins. I feel like the dev teams blatant homage to Witcher 3 is a good thing and am hoping to dump a bunch of time into greatest hits Egypt.

They have been getting steadily better. Syndicate was a game that ran well for me day 1, and surprisngly supported multi gpu configs also. Despite the Uplay hate you will see, much of thier products run okay.

Hey I look at this as kind of a positive. I mean if Activision is patenting this crap, it should exclude it from showing up in other publishers products. Now I will know to avoid Activision stuff!

This is true, but it serves as a starting point. Like a 50% sale on $80 version of the Cyberpunk 2077 is better for them than on $60 game.

I feel like players have to take some responsibility in this marketplace dynamic. I’ve felt for a long time that the artificial $60 price for all AAA games is detrimental. Games like the Witcher 3, Dragon Age or Grand Theft Auto require a much longer dev time and larger budget than a Madden or Street Fighter .

If this is true,

My point is he is an unreliable actor. I also don’t believe that he has had over 100 dogs murdered either. His skewed view of reality isn’t something that can be compartmentalized. The fact that he does contact the Border patrol on some undocumented immigrants doesn’t mean that he is accurate in his reporting.