
The triple tap or mozambique method is absolutely an offensive tactic with the explicit goal of killing and killing quickly, it has no place outside of Swat. Of course half the police force have wet dreams of being a Swat member or wanting to relive the glory days of gunning down arabs in the green zone.

Woah, cool anecdote. I would kill to see what tapes or clips they have of stuff they decided wasn’t airable.

The Division: The Divisioning!

I can only speak for myself, but I’ve had no problem with the Window Store. I’ve gotten 5 or 6 games off it. The majority of my games are on steam, with a few scattered between origin,gog and win store. I don’t really care about the outlet, only the product. One of the main points of PC gaming is choice after all.

“xbox one x is to the xbox one what the xbox one s was to the xbox” 

“As the article itself clearly states, he said (and probably believed) that he was going under the speed limit.”

You are now doubling down on a poor position, instead of just admiting your point was not really relevant... almost like the cop!

I would hardly call half a billion in income subsistence. GTA online has been increadibly lucrative for Rockstar. The reason there is no news of GTA VI on the horizon is the developer is currently in the finishing touches of Red Dead Redemption 2. 

I did not say they were not dealing with toxic players. I said that Perma Banned players are allowed to comeback via purchasing a new copy of the game, a “loophole” that no company is in any hurry to close.

People that buy a whole other copy of a game after being permabanned are the developers joy. It’s also not a viable strategy for trolls, unless of course they just have tons of money to burn

The ones who are actually perma banned are the players whose sins are so egregious that the dev can’t afford to ignore them, mainly players who engage in explicit and provable cheating. Those players actions are so irredeemable that its almost funny to hear them complain.

Smurfs aren’t always toxic players, sometimes it’s just a player that wants to feel dominant over thier improperly match made peers.

You are correct, the reason why that won’t happen is economics of course. In the day and age where buying a game is an ongoing proccess (read micro trans and dlcs) game companies will not do anything that permenantly shrinks thier buying pool.

Man, you nailed it! That’s pretty much the presentation\intro of 90% of game releated youtubers

Yeah, I didn’t mean it was impossible. It just seems most people that fall towards liberalism tend to have come to those conclusions during thier younger/formative years.You’ll see the flip especially in college where a person was brought up extremely sheltered and came with a set of limited beliefs which are open to

It’s a symptom of exceptionalism imo. A person wants to believe they know the “real” truth and anyone that disagrees are either ignorant or intellectually challenged.

Just curious, how old were you when you realized you political stance had shifted?

There is a mile of difference between referencing a video and doing/ showing an entire playthrough of a game and then monetizing it. Copy right holder has every right to object to that.

To be fair, someone like Chris Brown is a pretty much human garbage for reasons much deeper than poor use of language.

Fair trade Anal?