
Also of note, Druckmann played a key role in the ousting of Amy Henning for ND, so he could be technically correct in ND not reading it, but if Amy did and gave it a seal of approval that would be a strong recommendation from one of the series creators

Which one? There are actually 2 Serious Sam VR games out. I personally love them both.

Yeah, but I didn’t like Carnahan was saying it had the ND seal of approval, he said he heard some liked it, but even then he qualified the statement to show it’s nothing offical. Druckmann was essentially calling him a liar. Just came across as a dick imo.

I personally would like to see more 3D platformers either get compatability or just built for VR. I was surprised but one of the VR games I’ve logged the most hours into has beena super fun 3d platformer. Just the perspective and 3D, there’s something about it, even though it’s not first person it definitely sucks

That’s how they should work imo. What I don’t like is when achievements are tied to huge repetitions of a task (-Hopeless Loser unlocked :Congratulations you’ve failed this Trials track 100 times!), or some random non plot related action (Idiot Savant unlocked: Stand on the highest mountain at sunrise wearing the

Timgray, as a Vet myself this article was of particular interest to me, as in most trying programs mental toughness is harped on again and again. I feel like it is a developable skill and just as important it can degrade over time if not honed.

Can you play the beta in single player mode?

C’mon, don’t be like that. If he doesn’t like going down on his partner, then he should just find someone that doesn’t like being gone down on. I’m sure they exist somewhere, and lacking that there’s always RealDolls.

Maybe, maybe over a yearly basis I could see that. W/ virtualization and what not the cost of servers have gone dramatically down in the past 5 years or so. Now days the biggest costs to enterprise size companies is bandwidth, then security with servers space coming in a distant 3rd.

Srry to cut in again, just wanted to say, while I don’t know what thier payment amt was from that PS+ deal, that the Rocket League devs have made incredible loot from that game. A figure I saw in July had it at $125 million in revenue and that’s against a $2 million dollar development budget. It is still selling now

According to this reddit post, one of the Games with Gold devs claimed to have gotten a lump sum, which makes sense:

These efforts are awesome. The end product will be gigantic region sets of roms much like the M.A.M.E. sets that people painstakingly put together and then host. I pulled a mame recently vs just grabbing games here and there, it came to a 400GB download!! Which minus the casino games and pinball software I removed

I can diggit, I’ve considered using a vanity press before. The self publishing thing on Amazon seems like it would be very hard to get any type of visibility if you didn’t already have a dedicated audience. In the end either you are like Jason here who already has a well established portfolio so when he comes knocking

Well me personally, don’t have any consoles. I emulate everything on my computer. For others though, remember this is a portable system. Who would want to haul their switch so they can play some Zelda Breath of the Wild, but then have switch to their 3DS or DS to play Mario bros 3? That would be asinine.

I agree.. partially. You are right, in that some of this is just an emulation issue, and when switching to a new piece of hardware then it’s going to take some work to get that sorted, it’s not like they could just move the storefront over for BC to WiiU\Wii or even gamecube.

Eggselent, I think I just found my new avatar:

Haha, that caught me too, but check it there’s apparently a wikipedia entry:

I’d personally just erase it, and install a very small clandestine camera covering the front yard.

Semi related to your picture, and also Nazism’s fondness for race superiority today I...

Does that actually happen? It wouldn’t make sense I’d think. The delay in time to when a book goes to presses isn’t about it taking long to manufacture or anything, more has to do with publisher and retail seasons, schedules etc, find the best time to sale