
Here is my advice: If you are applying for a career level position (or a position you would want to be a career) and they ask these types of questions in the interview, do not accept the position. When a company has scripted HR bullshit that is so disconnected from the actual job you are applying for you can assume

“This is the part people aren’t getting: we’re going to see at least two more years of this guy because Republicans, even in the face of overwhelming evidence of corruption, will not impeach him. They won’t do it. And they’ll be re-elected to their chairs because they won’t do it. Yes, the conservative news machine is

It won’t dismantle.

Seriously. We should not be okay with her becoming homeless. That is completely unacceptable.

The level of unthinking schadenfreude in this post and in the comments is frankly making me uncomfortable.

I know one thing: I have mostly voted for Democratic candidates at the state and local level in the past, but I have voted for Republicans when I knew they were particularly good candidates. Not anymore. From now on, it’s the straight Dem ticket.

He, buddy. Hope you’re listening. Did you know that You + Majority of Cabinet Members can declare a certain someone unfit for the Presidency under the 25th Amendment? And you get to assume the office yourself? Get Mother a new title for Valentine’s. How does “Mrs. First Mother” sound to you?

This is so gross because it’s so fucking real.

Hopefully next time someone will wear a grizzly suit, cause that would be awesome.

You may have missed the bit where he’s outsourcing National Security stuff to his Nazi pal.

It’s as if the work of Arne Duncan (clearly your friends don’t work in education policy or higher education, he was very active and visible in both) wasn’t about HIM and about things like increasing FAFSA completion or working with the FLOTUS on projects like Reach Higher and Better Make Room to increase college

When people say Devos has never been to a public school, they’re not telling the whole story.

Always remember: Bad schools make future Republicans! If don’t bother to teach kids how to think, they won’t bother to learn. This locks in your base for the next generation.

Is it terrible for me to suggest that a black, Muslim man might be stretching things too much right now? I’m not sure how this will attract voters right now. Even if the DNC is managed well, I can still imagine all the rumors floating around on breitbart/fox around Ellison’s past

In the United States, we’ve been primed to believe that wealth comes from hard work and intelligence. Since Trump is wealthy, this line of thought goes, he must be pretty smart. And, he’s saying the things his supporters “are all thinkings”. Isn’t that what we kept being told during the campaign? “He says what I’m

“That house belongs to the public”

Seriously it is bullshit. That house belongs to the public, not to their fucking convenience. If you don’t want to do the job, get out.

My son’s preschool teachers leave me in awe, too. They managed to teach him the concept of “walking feet” and get him to use said walking feet in two days. They work with kids like him every day for hours and just one of him exhausts me. (He has thus far not made a good case for getting a sibling.)

My son is preschool-aged and I am in awe of preschool teachers. He is awesome but I have never been more emotionally exhausted. I have a new baby too, and the physical work with her is nothing compared to chatting with him for three hours straight.

"Overall, not believing in God seems to make people and their offspring more tolerant. Less racist. Less sexist. Enviro-friendly."