Cognitive Dissident

I spend a lot of time driving on the 5 through Camp Pendleton and it’s always so neat to see the Marines doing training exercises on the thin strip of land between the freeway and the ocean. I hope the injured are able to heal quickly!

It’s the “boys will be boys” contingent as old as time itself.

Can I get a deal on irony today?

“Amazon’s New Headquarters Should Be In Hell.”

You start one Martian Sex Colony and all the sudden you’re “colluding with America’s enemies.”

18 months pushes the discussion out to a time more convenient for the R’s. Doing it this way means that the debt ceiling fight (which shouldn’t even be a thing) has to happen sooner, and without Harvey relief to cudgel the D’s with.

This shit is so tied into the moral/ethical perceptions of virtually everyone on the planet.

We must pretend we have a meritocracy or else discussions about taxes, social programs, etc. would hinge on their effectiveness, not some vague moral argument about who “earned” it.

You are misinformed, but that’s understandable. Whatever you seen or heard in fiction about EMP blasts is mostly wrong. I mean, it’s far from being harmless, but for a nuclear blast over continental US, EMP would probably be a blip in the huge list of worries that comes after, and it would affect far less people than

Well, since nobody else is going to do it..