Cognitive Dissident

All of the above?

HAHA YES! We need some Werebears and WereTigers and WereGerbils

How and why would anyone support Brock? Are they trying to claim he didn’t do it? Because anything else is completely ludicrous, rape is rape no matter what.

I really loved this intro/montage, best part of the film. However why is humanity supposed to have a ISS on HGH by 2020????? 3 years away?? I know this is sci-fi verging on fantasy, but at least make it 2030 if not 2050.

Wanderes is the best

The way NPR put it, 18 months puts the debt ceiling conversation past the 2018 midterm elections. Republicans hate to increase the debt ceiling, doing so splits the party and creates infighting, thus is likely to further cause issues and if the Republicans fail to pass much of anything before 2018, they might end up

In the late 80's/early 90's i remember always wondering what a sequel trilogy would have looked and felt like. If they would have kept on the upward trend of better budget and practical effects before the take over of CGI. I also always assumed it would be Episodes 7-9 and that the prequels would be something later

Agreed. If you’ve got a small budget dont try to go Epic. Theres plenty of Scifi flicks that stuck within the realm of what they could afford and turned out great: Moon, Sunshine, Primer, Descent, heck i’ll even add Pandorum in there, for all its faults the creatures and sets looked believable.