
"I feel like a gadget that has a HUGE following should be deemed the "most important gadget" title."

It's still not wrong. Even if every new user to the Internet went out of their way to avoid Google, Google will still make more money because of the ads they have spread out across millions of webpages.

You are correct, kind of. The merchant can't pass on the fees charged to them by the CC company. These fees however, looks like it is suppose to cover the expenses that Verizon accrues when processing those specific payment options. Like, for paying through the live representative, that fee would cover the cost for

"It's silly, after all these years, to think that Apple will lower their prices for those reasons. They have proven that they don't need to. They've also proven that they aren't after "everyone" in the market;"

This has nothing to do with revolutionary. It's about the important gadgets of this year. The iPad2 was just an upgrade while the Fire introduced the tablet market to a massive amount of new people. If the iPad2 didn't come out, people would've just continued to buy the first iPad. It's also important because this

Did it contain the update that fixed a bunch of peoples issues?

I don't think Google really cares about making a profit on hardware. If they did, they would have just made it so that the Android OS would have to be licensed. They are more interested in keeping the future gateway into the Internet more open then it would have been if Apple dominated the market. They making like

"WRONG. Google makes money my getting more people to use Google Search and their other products that feature their ads."

No, that's not what that means. I think you misread my comment =) Google doesn't keep the 30% that they collect from apps. It's given away to the carriers and possibly manufacturers of WiFi only devices. Manufacturers that sell 3G/4G devices through carriers could be selling their devices to the carriers at a

One massive flaw in all of this. I'm not sure if it has changed since 2008, but Google doesn't make money off of apps. The 30% cut that they take goes to pay off the billing fees and to the carriers. It would be safe to say that manufacturers of WiFi only tablets are/will be getting the same deal. Google makes

"My 1 and 2-year olds could not understand an Android interface"

"In android, I guess the behavior is that the page continues loading at the (potential) expense of scrolling smoothness."

Grr, my response got erased and I don't feel like typing it all over again.

"Either way, here it is straight from some heavy hitters in the Google Android team themselves."

Because those other Android phones aren't running ICS nor do any other phones have a button less face.

It takes the carriers like 4-6 months after the AOSP drops. I believe it even takes Cyanogen and other ROMS a few months to get a solid build of it on a phone. They are quicker because they don't have to jump through all the hoops that a carrier does.

Heh yeah, I think you're right. Guess that's why I don't do my own taxes =)

"And even if you bought the Galaxy S the day it was released, it's only been a year and a half."

I don't believe so. If you are an Android user, you can get that functionality if you use Google+ (Not sure if that happens on iOS's G+). Otherwise, I'm sure there's an app out there that will automatically upload photos to DropBox for you.

He still makes money at clubs while testing the material that he uses in the special. Not to mention, it's more then 220k since he can deduct a lot of taxes due to giving 280k to charity.