
How is their UI overlay different than stock Android?

I might be mistaken, but this should massively improve the emulator. Maybe that's why they did it.

"Is a racist verbal assault in a commercial 'funny' if it's not real? Nope. "

I don't see how that would fix this situation. Pre-installed apps are the cause of this.

HTC intentionally puts a rootkit on their devices so that they can sell their product. How is HTC not to blame for that?

"How could they possibly be a target of the suit? "

From what I've read, it goes to the carriers. Unless CarrierIQ is doing something very sneaky, I think this should be a suit against the carriers or whoever put it on the phone.

Either complain to the carrier and threaten them until they release you from your contract or just ignore it. It is an invasion of privacy, someone needs to get sued, and the software needs to be removed but really, this CarrierIQ stuff has been going on for years I'm assuming. You probably have a better chance of

HTC is full of crap. HTC are the ones that wrote the code to implement it into their SenseUI not CarrierIQ. Carriers or phone manufacturers can't play ignorant when they intentionally added software whose whole purpose is to track data on your phone.

No we don't. There's legit ways to use this software. You need to go after those that are abusing it.

Because they removed the post from last night where Jesus Diaz jumped the gun and said that pretty much every Android phone was spying on you.

"Engadget suggests "No matter how tempting the specs on Lenovo's leaked 10.1-inch tablet are, you might prefer something fairly more portable just for the sake of your regular pockets." Yes—a phone. That's called a phone"

"When was the last time you pulled out your phone to surf the web on the couch?"

Are you talking about the linking of FB contacts to your phone contacts or a widget? Because I can't think of a reason why the contacts thing would be draining your battery. On the other hand, HTC's widget for Facebook would drain the crap out of the battery.

"Now, after losing $100 million to this adventure"

Not in mobile.

Phone benchmarks aren't the most reliable thing to go off of.

Yeah, I didn't read it until after I posted. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I think it depends on what kind of response he got from Apple. If he submitted it and got no response, then I can see how he would want to make more drastic measures to get their attention and get it fixed.

"Leon said the images created by the FDA "provoked an emotional response rather than just providing factual and noncontroversial information, crossing the line into using company advertising for government advocacy."

Well, he did tell Apple about this flaw 3 weeks ago.