You’re suppose to drop the mic, diddy.
We all know Kobe’s holding on for dear life to his career. No need for a video to demonstrate this.
That rocket’s explosion might me more impressive than the other one today.
“Me too” - Manu Ginobili
Well Costas was wrong. Obviously a major leaguer named Pedro would have been directing blasphemy towards Jobu after a shitty performance.
The saddest part of this story is how Miami fans still thought it was a foul after they watched the replay. Not surprisingly, 95% probably don’t know about the “hand is part of the ball” rule. They just don’t know any better. It’s a shame they have 3 titles. A damn shame.
he looks ridiculous in the above pic
Oh man, Harrison Ford voice.
Verlander gets spanked again.
Why does Drama keeping popping up?! His character was cool like 10 years ago.
someone please make a song out of this
too bad that video was ruined by Perkins’ presence.
Are we sure that kids father is not Kwame Brown?
I can’t tell, but were those inflated well?
Luke Walton failed to mention to Draymond that Kobe asked for the watches back after that year’s Finals.