
Dragon Dictation on the iphone is a possible solution for cutting down on the number of attention-nabbing screen taps. The voice recognition is decent but unfortunately you then have to copy and paste it into a SMS msg to send it. Still a fair bit of screen taps and swipes + it's a bit of a hassle.

@aec007: damn, after only one beer. This guy's a light weight

@Lupus_Yonderboy: I somehow doubt this was meant to be any kind of serious study. Seems like the "research" is just an excuse to validate an anecdote you can tell your friends at the bar.

Ah. This explains why I woke up with my penis stuck in a kaleidoscope after my birthday.

"According to my almanac, the first official day of winter is December 21, which means I don't have to include this Jack Black-and-tiny-people movie. That means I win!"

@hawkeye18: Few years? Hell I'm pushing 30 and it's awkard now!

@chicken.triscuits: lol that was my first thought too which made it sound all the more ridiculous. Adult molests child and then government molests child as punishment!

@angstman: wuahah dead animals and mythbusters??

"...Apple probably isn't getting into the T2000 business..."

sorta reminds me of a particle physics demo

This might be the highest or lowest grossing imax film ever but one thing's for sure it will be heavily pirated lol. Maybe I should reconsider that 3D TV...

lol I was looking forward to a really unpleasant day tomorrow but the comments on this one made me laugh. Thanks for that =)

wow, juxtapose the wrong imagery, even as a joke, and people go wild with speculation substituting their fears for reality. I seriously find nothing wrong with this picture. Its only fault is that it's only mildly amusing.

@SophT: 'atta girl... my ex wouldn't even give me < head >

Luke: Ben! Ben! I've just been baptized!

"Tube Popsicles"? Is that what they're called in the US? Up here we call them "freezies". And here I thought I knew of every Canadian/US distinction there is!

Could be useful depending on how quickly your pet dirties the water bowl. But then you'd have to worry about changing/cleaning the filter too. Not to mention the use of electricity. I think for most people the cons probably outweigh the pros.

I have a 2nd gen Ford Explorer and the procedure is very similar. I can even program extra transponder keys as long as I have two working keys.