
This article is missing one important detail about the creation of high end coilovers... The shock dyno. A good shock builder doesn’t just take a stack, build it, and ship it to the customer. They build it, dyno it, tweak it, and repeat until the shock force profile is what they or the customer wanted. I have huge

I dunno... I searched “jet ski” in google and only one pornographic image came up. You know exactly which one I’m talking about :P

The original Deus Ex also had telepathic AI that would alert everyone around them to your exact position should you get spotted. It was hard both because of basic mechanics (limited healing, low health on highest difficulty, wonky weapons at low skill levels) and game design issues (the aforementioned AI, a taser that

Now this the Lamborghini we all grew up loving. They finally reembraced the crazy (well, that started really with the quinto elemento), and I think it’s paid off.

Yup... the line between offensive humor and funny humor is often very thin and very blurry. I think the reason the D.VA meme is still funny is because gamers came up with it and embraced that self mockery.

That Genji nerf is... rough. I don’t play him much but think this may be a bit far. I understand the melee cancel, as now it’s currently possible to shuriken, melee, and dash all in pretty much one move, which is more than enough to kill anything not a tank. Since you got a kill your dash resets, letting to do it

I swear another character says that line to Pharah...

I’ve heard really good things about the U2715H, and at the same time really bad things about the U2717, which should be its replacement but unfortunately suffers from really bad display lag. Just something to keep in mind. Also, from time to time you can get a really good deal on refurb or open box Dell monitors from

As much I want to bash this as being another stupid Torch article... I can’t. My parents had two (TWO!) Camrys. Both were in more fender benders than I could count. One essentially paid for itself in how many times it got rear ended and repaired. The other was slightly more lucky, but its final rear ending made the

If when the cleanup crew goes in and finds both a mound of garbage as well as a dumpster then we can finally retire all three phrases for good. What are dumpsters in Portuguese called anyway?

Your math leaves much to be desired. The EU2000i is rated for 1600W continuous. At that rating it uses its gallon of gas in 3.4 hours (both of those numbers are from the Honda website). Total energy output then is 5.4kWh, or ~20% of full charge (lots of approximation will be used here). Taking a 83 mile range at full

Oh man... I just started reading the NMS threads. These people are nuts. The funniest ones though are the obvious trolls. Theres no threats there (amazing right?), just major trolling of the obviously unhinged fanbase. Also, it’s pretty funny how that GilChrist guy stops posting pretty immediately after he’s proven

I think epee is awesome, and I primarily fenced foil in college. Right of way is such a BS rule. If you want a “here’s a sport interpretation of combat” then epee is far closer than either foil or sabre. Foil tag with a long stick and sabre is CHARGE! touch. CHARGE! touch. Stabby stabby was how it was really done damn

The thing about trampolining that scares me isn’t necessarily the flips, its that last landing they having to do. They get 1 jump to essentially go from 20+ feet freefall to stable vertical landing. Watch their knees when they do it... its insane how strong they are.

Currently own a turbo Mazda (‘07 Mazdaspeed 6) and yes, their first gen systems on the MZR engine (Mazdaspeed 3/6, CX-7) from ‘06 onward are... difficult. They’re fun, but I don’t think they ever got the tune right from the factory, especially for the older models. The stock cars ran very rich. They also ran into

That has so little miata left I can’t tell if its NA or NB. Wheels say NB, body says who the fuck cares. Makes my idea of wanting to turn my miata into a speedster look quaint by comparison.

I liked the Mario Brothers movie when I was like 7. I agree with this sentiment.

So what? I don’t think they were trying to pass it off as a rogue group of people dressed up as pikachu in a white van chasing people. It was just a hilarious idea of pokemon hitting back while showing off the city, and I giggled. Mission accomplished for the ad department and for the viewer.

No one’s really your conventional racist unless its someone from the Klan or a Nazi. Clint is a guy from a different era, and sadly kinda stuck in it. What is progressive to everyone else is weak to him because in many ways his generation did have to buck it up and take it, because they really didn’t have a choice in

If you understand the conversation its a little funnier, cuz the people are just so calm. Its a lot of “so now what do we do?” followed by “well, time to call someone” and then “what do we tell them?”. They just kinda drop that line of conversation, cuz yeah... what do you tell the person that you call? That your car