
Bravo sir... Many stars to you :)

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My pick for best “two Brits fixing cars” show is Bad Obsession Motorsports’ ongoing web series Project Binky. Yeah... They stuff the guts of an AWD Celica into a mini, and end up pretty much rebuilding the car from the ground up. Its about as dry of British tea humor as one can get, but I love it and can’t stop

Eddie Jordan gets more and more annoying as the episodes go on. Both he and Chris Evans need to be booted and a new main host brought in ASAP. Maybe Matt can do it, but I’m doubtful. He doesn’t have the charm/smarminess/charisma/voice needed to really pull the show together. Harris has the voice, but not the charm or

I get ASMR from time to time, and one yourtuber who really oddly triggers it is Ashens, specifically his random chocolate reviews. The breaking (and chewing...) of a chocolate bar seems to really set it off. Brains are weird...

Now I understand BMW’s choice with the park button but a shift lever. Your actions while the car is potentially moving (RND) and when it’s stopped and parked (P) are completely disconnected and require a distinct input to transition into and out of. Never thought of this as a safety feature, but now I see that it

Eddie Jordan has gotten more and more annoying, whereas Chris Evans has somehow managed to get a little less annoying. I will give Chris a few more episodes, but Eddie needs to go. He has no innate charisma, and he brings little to the group other than stodginess, and stodginess is a very poor schtick without

The new Prius takes the cake for me as the ugliest car I’ve ever seen. It beats out the Derp (B9 Tribeca), the Blob (QX56) and the OG (Aztek). I would say it looks like some design student’s project, but I know that most design students would know better than to make something as hideous as this current Prius.

Yup... Same feeling here. Sane, sweeping gun control is a good thing. Using a no fly list with no checks and iffy rationale as some kind of bar of gun ownership qualification is just stupid, and doesn’t help either side. Make it harder for EVERYONE to get a gun. You know what? I dont like the idea of bans on stuff,

You’re using a fantasy story as proof? I dunno... that’s a mark of some stupidity, or at least some major ignorance.

Did Ford just pull a Mazda and make the Mazdaspeed6 we all (or some of us...) wanted? A 300+HP AWD sedan that weighs less than 2 tons (sorry SHO, you’re just too fat) and pretty much checks all the boxes for a sleeper. If they add a manual option then it really is the spiritual successor to a Mazdaspeed6.

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Gonna add two trailers that aren’t necessarily artistically brilliant, but do the job that they were designed to do brilliantly, which is to make you say “yes, I want to play this game”.

Man... captain slow knows his audience. Its nerdy, its mechanical, its historical, its slightly OCD, its funny... whats not to love? Definitely watch the other two episodes (I think there’s only three so far...). None are as mechanically intense as the mower, but they are all great pieces of history that I don’t think

Adam Savage would be proud of this man.

I played TF2 back in the orange box days, and just recently tried to play it again. TF2 feels like someone took a DM FPS and made it a class based team game, whereas Overwatch feels the other way around. Also, have you tried playing TF2 recently? It’s getting a little long in the tooth, and having no matchmaking

I’m not familiar with the stroke differences between diesel and gas. Anyone care to explain? Would varying displacement (and thus compression and stroke) work? I could see a movable intake/exhaust manifold with a sleeve and rings being able to adjust displacement, though that’d be one hell of an engineering task.

The guy XSTAT saved was essentially a field guinea pig. No one wants to be a field guinea pig, so other methods will be tried first (and probably succeed) before the last ditch “hey, here’s something the boys back in the lab cooked up” thing is tried.

Big difference between 1975 and 1997. I bet there’s plenty of 1997 cars still around in Paris, and if my 1994 miata is any indication, even well maintained they pollute like hell compared to modern cars. They aren’t trying to punish a minority directly, but rather trying to remove the most amount of pollution sources

When picking between the two “evils” of car banning (if you could call them that) I’d take California’s method any day. Its sensible when it works, and for the most part, it works. Now, I have a 94 Miata in CA that barely passed smog the last time so my tune may change when its due next, but till then, I begrudgingly

When your guests AND your host are terrible, you know you have a problem.

The Viper/Vette duel felt forced (and Evans talked too much), the Reliant race had no content and still felt rushed (and Evans talked too much), and eeesh... that star in a reasonably priced car segment needed to burn (and Evans talked too much). When the presenter and both guests are grating, you know you have a