
Aussies... The only people who can out-redneck Americans.

Considering the original Mazdaspeed3/6 engine went into the CX-7, a refresh of both with this engine doesn’t seem that far fetched. The MZR engine is getting a little long in the tooth anyway, and was essentially a first gen DI technology test bed.

What happened Alex Proyas... what happened? You did Dark City, and now you’re doing this? Its like the worst kind of money grab, and no, you’re not gonna be able to out-Michael-Bay Michael Bay, so don’t even bother trying.

If the insurance company catches your car in one of those wreck videos (and they will... there’s cameras EVERYWHERE on that track, and people like posting videos) then I think you’re pretty screwed. Otherwise, I get the feeling they have policies like standard car rental policies that explicitly exclude the ring from

Its a great sci-fi action thriller with dumb as rocks characters and script. Its... I guess think of it as the non-bro version of Transformers. Watch it for the pretty stuff, try not to overthink the rest. I wouldn’t call it terrible, but its VERY far from good, especially if you are the type to think about a movie

Apparently making videos about Jeep lemons seems to be a pretty Australian thing, at least until they get their lemon laws fixed...

I thought spiking always meant putting something in a drink that the drinker didn’t suspect (like spiking the punch). I also thought egg nog at a adult gathering would already have alcohol in it. I think this is where it’s easy to make the mental leap from just “haha youre tipsy” to “haha you got roofied”.

I can see why the writers may have written new Blofeld this way (old Blofeld is THE stereotypical meglomaniacal villian after all) but in doing so they really cheapen Blofeld’s accomplishments. The guy managed to get all the world’s leaders into some masterplot in order to... ruin one guy’s life? REALLY? The ultimate

So if you do the math and are generous about part costs (~$100k in parts) then given the 4000 hour number the costs are on par for a custom shop building a custom car. It ends up being ~$150/hr labor, which is a standard mechanics rate, at least in CA. Is it still absurdly high? Yup, but at least you can kind see

You know what? Get rid of the stacks (its still a 3500, not a International or Mack), give it a nice tune for an even 1000lb/ft of torque, and that’s some “’urahh!” that you might be able to get behind.

I see RX7 from the back and Furai from the front, with a bit of grrrr-angry mazda corporate face. I kinda like it.

They should just call it the Infiniti Beluga, cuz its a fat whale of a car.

I can’t imagine the running costs on a mig-29 to be cheap. Some quick googling got numbers between $5k (F-15, A-10) and $40k+ (F22) per hour of flight time for various American fighters. The Mig-29 does have the advantage of Russian engineering (cheaper and simpler = better) and Russian labor costs, and the

As someone who suffers this from time to time, I can tell you that you quickly realize what’s going on and after the first few seconds I can normally calm down. The feeling of not being able to breathe is a strange one, but I focus on moving my fingers and toes until I can finally wake up. The transition between

Did Honda move away from the single speed transmission experiment? That sounded like a good idea in theory, but Consumer Report definitely didn’t like it.

I have family with a plot of land in Oregon that no one is currently using. Ideas ideas... I would personally build it out for in a bit more rallycross style, but not sure if thats feasible on something less than an acre.

This friends is why rear wheel steering is a BAD IDEA™ on everything except forklifts. What you gain in maneuverability you lose in massive amounts of instability. I’m surprised Torch made it on a road, cuz you literally cannot take your hands off that wheel without it wanting to spin itself around. That wheelbase

Forza 3 is a game I can just pop in, do a few races, and have a bit of fun while realizing just how many races I haven’t finished yet. Horizons... it makes you sit through awful characters and wander a map in order to do anything meaningful. If I wanted to play Driver SF I’d play Driver, and if I wanted to play GTA

I think the Mythbusters have a revisit on their hands. I seriously thought this kind of high side was impossible on a bike as you’d start sliding the front tire before the back end went over but I guess this proves that quite wrong, at least for a race bike on race tires...

I was mildly interested in a crown vic PI as a comfortable long distance cruiser until i saw just how awful the gas mileage was. They seem to be averaging 19mpg. To put that in perspective, that’s as bad as a 2001 Mercedes ML430, which also averages 18-20mpg, and probably has a good 500lb surplus (and 4WD) on the CV.