
Now... I don’t ride motorcycles at all, but having had to start a variety of 2 strokes with pull starts I’m wondering of the solution would be to have some kind of winding mechanism built into the kickstarter. Instead of having to kick down hard to turn the motor over why not have a geardown with means you kick it

Oooooo a Marvin themed Miata would be PERFECT.

I was driving along side a QX80 on the highway once and all I thought was “damn that’s one ugly-ass whale”.

I’ve been to a half dozen track days and you know how many spins I’ve seen? 3, and one of them was me. The field was full of pretty newb or intermediate drivers with a handful of experts (yup, I was one of the newbs). Its fully possible to drive on the edge (or slightly over it) and not look like a total idiot. Its a

I saw that red miata the first time around and went “yup, he’s gonna spin”. Sure enough, he spun. Not that I’ve got anything bad to say about it... I’ve spun a miata at Thunderhill. Lift off oversteer is a bitch on a short wheelbase car. That’s what I get for going from my portly AWD sedan with summers to my friend’s

Smart AI isn’t godlike AI, its an AI that behaves in a believable manner. That could be acting very smart, or it could mean acting dumb. If you’re going against a squad of super soldiers then you expect them to behave as such. If you’re going up against a security guard on his first day at work then expect some

Once people get over the initial ick factor (which for some people will be nigh impossible) bugs are no different to eat than crustaceans. I don’t know if its the future of protein, but I do know that it sure could use a bigger market as its a very useful (and dare I say tasty) protein source, even if it never trumps

What would insurance be on a beast like this? Age is on your side, but repair costs are totally against you. You so much as ding this car and I think the insurance company would run the salvage title to you so fast it would make your head spin. I've never dealt with mass deprecated ubersaloons before, so maybe

Depending on where you are there's Their San Jose rollout has been... random, to say the least. I've checked multiple addresses and its been a crapshoot as to whether or not their 40mbps DSL is available or not, mainly due to AT&T's problems. Sounds like you've probably tried this route already however...

They should have taken the Batman/Spiderman take on grapple physics. At least they attempt at realism with a swing instead of what amounts to a really slow version of Dishonored’s “Blink” ability. A “grapple save” would be awesome in most games though, but I think it would have be a special skill where you’d

What service are you running? I'm in San Jose and I get 100mbps Comcast for less than $50 a month. I cross shopped Comcast and AT&T plans and there was sadly no comparison. For better or worse (mainly worse) Comcast is the only ticket, but at least its finally a fast one.

Having picked up an Asus Chromebox when they were on sale for ~$120 I'd say wait for the chromeboxes to drop in price, which will be pretty damn soon. $100 for a Rockchip Android stick turned ChromeOS just doesn't make a whole lot of sense when you can have a whole x86 machine with multiple gigs of memory, expandable

Yay Thunderhill!

YES. I need an excuse to break out my stick from back in Starlancer/Freelancer/Freespace days. Too bad my Microsoft Force Feedback no longer works with windows (damn game port...), but I think I've got a USB Saitek somewhere.

It seems like the fancier the hotel the harder it is to use the TV your way. There are Motel 6s that nicely break out video in/audio in/HDMI to a handy port on the wall along with USB charging (Willows CA Motel 6, you're pretty awesome, minus the small fact that its flipping freeeeezing at night). YUP, they pretty

Its hella flush, and yet somehow looks right... That's a first. That may just be because the wheels actually fit the tires, and the camber isn't cranked to some insane angle.

Beyond just the batteries though, we want phones that "feel solid" and "don't creak and feel cheap". Guess what, if I was the engineer tasked with making a solid feeling phone out of a bunch of small components snapped and screwed together I'd use as much adhesive as possible to make my job easier, or hell, even

I'm convinced Corollas are either a) For people who need a cheap ass used car to get by (cool, cuz everyone's been there) or b) People who want to buy a cheap ass new car and know absolutely nothing about cars and never will care to learn (not cool). There's one of each at my company. I respect the girl with the

Pushing Daisies, Dead Like Me, Wonder Falls... Its like Bryan Fuller's MO is "show's gonna get killed when things get interesting... or maybe just after 2 seasons". Its REALLY hard for me to follow TV shows (Lost? GoT? Walking Dead? Battlestar? Nope to all of them) but the few shows that I have followed have been

Nope... no Yes song. Glad I still have my HW1 CD somewhere...