
Or... you could get any halfway decent DAC for under $300 (waaaay under $300 if you look around) and hook it up to a halfway decent headphone amp (again, $300 or less) and probably get 99% of the audio quality. Hell... just get a FiiO E17 and have a field day with all the input and output options for less than $150.

ever see a late model QX56? The blob-box look has "whale" written all over it.

There's a reason quite a few 'ring rental places used to use (and may still use, I haven't been back in a few years) Suzuki Swifts as their base rental. They're fast enough to scare you but not powerful enough to kill you instantly if you're a noob on the track. Give it a slight massage with some sticky rubber,

I wonder how much a kit (sans engine) version of this would be? What would be awesome would be a full electric version with a smallish 150HP motor (easy-ish) or two 100 HP motors (not as easy). Yeah... it would weigh close to 2000lb by the time you add batteries and electronics, but think about the torque that would

catchy song with a funny but accurate message? That's the ultimate best PSA. we need more people like the ones who did that ad cuz that would definitely make the world a safer and happier place.

if i can find a decent 911 for under 20k then this quiz might be correct :p

Can you really call it a model of Mega Man X if he's not kitted out in X armor? Maybe that'll be a future figure...

Hamlet in Space has got to have been made already... right? Hamlet's been adapted ad nauseum. Hell... I adapted Hamlet in high school into a modern short film.

Am I one of the few people who think she's doing a fine job in this video? Yeah... There's some cracking, but I think I can forgive that. I actually want to hear some artists (not just pop artists, any musical artist) have their voice isolated live and have it sound "good", cuz I'm not really sure what the "good"

I hope this game can hold your attention for more than few play sessions before everything starts becoming the same. I see the potential for this to be one of the best games in a decade, but I also see a really big but really shallow sandbox. Size is one thing, but having new things to do with that size is something

Its amazing they're testing this much at once to be honest, cuz there's enough engineering variables to keep track of without dealing some extra bit of science fluff. Save that for the real missions. Think of this as first start of a kit car and a quick jaunt up the block and back. You don't do your engine tuning

Jackie's work is amazing, but I think there's a different explanation for why western directors tend not to go for it. Jackie's stuff is almost always action comedy, and his style lends itself to the same kind of sightgags as something like Charlie Chaplin movies. However, the move to "gritty" films here means that

I like how this isn't a new construction but a "conversion". Its the aeronautic equivalent of chopping the top off a bus and putting a tanker truck on it, only slightly less ghetto.

No idea about Evo X's, but previous Evos tended to blow up 6 speeds once you started cranking up the power. Sticking in the 5 speed was the poor man's fix for a blown transmission, lest you wanted to do a full rebuild on the 6 speed.

I saw Interstellar a week after release at the Metreon IMAX in SF. I also saw The Dark Knight in IMAX opening weekend in King of Prussia PA. One of the things people forget about these days is that film will wear as it gets shown more and more. The tired week old running print will look nothing like the prestine

Bring some of that cold snow/sleet/rain to CA please. I mean... I do enjoy 80 degree November days every now and then but this year maybe we could do without them and have a a bit more of the wet stuff instead.

I think with the way the laws in most states are written now this should be a bike. Many states have helmet laws for bikes, and for a vehicle like this a helmet really should be mandatory. Unfortunately Texas doesn't have a helmet law, which now that I think about it, makes this ban all the stranger...

It has the look of a really low rent Veyron. Not terri... ok, its pretty terrible looking.

Time to pick some nits. Love actually never changed anything metaphysically or otherwise in the Fifth Element. It may have been a hokey thing to have an actual being be the Fifth Element (did I just spoil something?) but all love did was MAYBE wake her up. The inner Fifth Element-ness (whatever that was...)

I love it. Its like every nutjob conspiracy theory (not covered in the original iron sky) rolled into one mega-nutjob (but surprisingly well done VFX wise) movie. I think this will have to be one watched drunk/high/both for maximum effect.