
The $200 price point will buy you a toy or a glorified e-reader. The $100 price point buys you crap. A tablet needs to surpass everything that I can do on my phone (currently a Galaxy Nexus) minus the phone calls, and at these price points no android tablet does that. Hell, I'd venture to say no android tablet at

It took me 2 years to get 1 scratch on my iphone 3g, so I'm not worried about any scratches on my GNex anytime soon. Gorilla glass (and reinforced glass in general) is seriously strong, and really the only condition that you need to be careful about is if you go to the beach or other areas with lots of sand around.

Now playing

Something similar but a bit more francophile. Gotta love Jean Reno...

So I could have a ZL-1, a GT500, or a CTS-V for nearly the same money? I'll take the CTS-V any day. Lose a little horsepower, gain A LOT of comfort, still keep the kick ass 6 speed. Also get a choice of coupe, sedan or wagon. Oh, and I've seen a CTS-V wagon go around a track (Thunderhill). Its a strange sight

the more I see of syndicate the more I think that the devs might actually pull off a good game with this IP. They've pretty much nailed the music and the feel of the environment. Now they just have to go above and beyond generic and they'll have a winner. Not too much longer to wait.

the Adenau corners are the ruiners of n00b drivers. There aren't too many bad crashes there due to the runoff, but you can see some pretty stupid driving happen as people come in waaaay too hot and then run into the middle, or spin out, or some combination of the two. If you want to have some fun once you're done

Bring this to CA ASAP. Maybe they can enlarge it and make it available as a conference room desk.

I was just gonna say... MediaFire is great for android devs. I have seen a recent trend in moving downloads to personal dropboxes though, which has the added benefit of no wait times and no stupid clickthroughs.

I have a real desktop, and I also have a pretty nice though couple generations old desktop replacement notebook (Sony Vaio F series with Core 2 Duo and 8GB of ram). You know what upgrade turns a normal laptop into a desktop replacement? An SSD. The processors are plenty powerful at this point, and ram is cheap.

If there's 3 difficulties then I play on the hardest. If there's more than 3 then I play 1 below the hardest. The hardest is normally a "only if you're really masochistic" mode which takes all the fun out of a first run through. There are a few exceptions to this rule however. Racing games are always ramped up in

Looks like Boxer and Feinstein still support it. Guess who I'm NOT voting for the next election cycle?

Worms: Armageddon was my favorite version, but yeah, it was more Worms 2 with crazy weapons than a new game. After Armageddon they pretty were the same game until the 3D versions came out.

I think you're kinda missing the point in your first argument. As guys, we don't understand what its like for women. Full. Stop. You are born into a place of societal privilege by being male, just as you are if you are born white in the western world (thats a whole other topic entirely). By saying "well it doesn't

That Gear of War logo has a very Chrono Trigger vibe to it.

I'm sorry but its a joke that you're comparing a U810 to an ultrabook (or even a macbook air). A U810, for those who don't know, was an overgrown MID (or UMPC, remember those?) with a tiny tiny keyboard and a 5.6 inch touchscreen. It also had an 800MHz CPU and a spinning HDD. It more or less combined the worst

put on a fresh set of summers and hit the track :)

The problem wasn't that the game was bad, it was that people had expectations and they were definitely not met. DA2 wasn't nearly fast enough to keep the people playing ME1/ME2 interested and it was far too simplified to make the DA:O players happy. I personally came from the the DA:O side and while I loved DA:O DA2

at that size (and price), I'd just get a micro 4/3 camera with a halfway decent lens and be done with it. P&S cameras should be portable first with photo quality a close second. Thats an odd thing to hear coming from someone who values image quality above all else, but honestly, if I want to shoot poster worthy

moral of the story? If you want to go on an (ant)arctic expedition, make sure you've got people who've lived their lives in bitter cold and know EXACTLY how to handle it. No amount of equipment can make up for years (or decades) of experience. If I ever do anything like this there better be a Nord, a Swed, or a

Gorilla glass is pretty much what makes the look of modern smartphones possible, and Corning deserves all the recognition they can get for it. Its amazing what kind of advancements they can make to what is effectively melted and reconstituted sand... Chemistry WIN!