
Sure. I mean, if he really wants to perfect death scenes...

There’s a non-zero chance that they were already pig people before listening to him, they just didn’t know it.

Many of whom are also pig people.

I was going to say those people who think Homelander is the hero of The Boys (a show he is also in and who likeness was used for Wee Hughie in the comic)

No one ever thought Captain Jack was asexual. He literally came out the gate wanting to fuck everything

From watching her on Orphan Black, Tatiana Maslany is the best possible special effect this show could have gotten 

Squaaaawk!!! It’s a living!”

I thought that. Considering our justice system sometimes lawyers may have to defend someone they find absolutely abhorrent, but to specialise in doing so for men who have repeated raped women is absolutely sickening.

Do you have any idea how FUCKING BUSY I AM!

A very complex dad.

Hard to imagine this guy not making the list, let alone not being number one by a long way.

Thats the correct choice right there . 

It’s canon that this man is a spectacular fuck with god-tier stamina. 

There TF Werewolf. There TF Castle.

 Or Bojack Horseman.

The props team who designed Inclusive Castle deserve a raise. I just about choked to death laughing at a “Systemically Oppressed Taco” on the taco truck menu.

Remedial Anatomy might be in order