
Maybe if corporate dems didn’t undermine a fight against their own progressive wing than they do against GOP. And seriously, there is no such thing as “far left” in this country. Bernie Sanders is a moderate in the worldwide Overton window.

You are talking about the promo. The production model is what it always has been: a bully death cult.

Except that one big bad and one little incompetent in a two party system leaves zero room for anything good.

Ok I can maybe work up a little sympathy for the women he scammed, but I refuse to feel sorry for a family of diamond moguls.

I knew Manson reminded me of somebody

I like your funny words magic man!

Make up your mind how many T’s in his name/the url

It is only now, almost four decades later that Lynch’s film can take it’s rightful place as the greatest over the top spot on perfect parody of Villeneuve’s iconic classic Dune. And miniseries Dune is the rich kid high school production.


Right? Hell, McDonald’s even gave out coke spoons with their coffee!

Do they not have stick-on googly eyes in Russia?

What we’ve seen so far is the first of three movies necessary to tell the full story of Muad’dib. Then there would be two movies to tell the story of Leto II and then however many it takes for the story of Duncan Idaho and the psychic sex nuns.

A home va yo rey

Joe Rogan bad because racist antivaxxer spouting dangerous misinformation.

Pharmaceutical industry’s ability to make a profit.

Back in my day, we had to trudge through 10 miles of waist deep snow to a payphone and call to see if the place was open.


In the story they are a mythical race of miners. But a live action remake is gonna come off like Terror of Tiny Town.

The obvious answer is to change the title to Snow White and the Seven Dourifs and then have Brad play all of them.