
Slideshow Disease does seem to be running rampant in Gizmodoville with no cure in sight.

I said a few days ago that the current pandemic is “a plague on easy mode” (not to diminish the magnitude of suffering COVID-19 has inflicted, but only to acknowledge that we knew early on how to protect ourselves and most of us are able to implement those protections).

This. He wasn't stupid. He just didn't care. That's what happens when you go through life never being held accountable for your actions..

People who are used to getting away with everything never think that anything that they do is wrong or stupid.

My guess is that at some point in his miserable life, Cheatolini ate at the restaurant and got his widdle fee-fees hurt when they cut him off on the breadstick refills and told him it’s not an Olive Garden.

Nike gonna be mad mad when they discover Etsy...

They genuinely believe that if bad things happen to you (you’re poor, sick, disabled), it’s because you’re a bad person. If bad things happen to them it's someone else's fault.

When you have no friends, no committee assignments, and all you have to do with your time is file pointless bills that never go anywhere, that leaves you a lot of time to make videos of yourself lifting things.

It’s unclear if the “porosity,” as GM describes it, impacts the wheels’ structural integrity.

I prefer the Patrick Star over Spongebob for wheels

In fact a lot of the current research I’ve seen on Nature is saying that it now seems most likely that the virus was transmitted to humans in the countryside around Wuhan and carried by them to the market. The busy market being a crowded, busy super spreader environment which is why it was noticed there first.

As a toadie of the trump administration, his opinion has no value, and in fact, should be discounted lower than an average layperson.

Were his recommendation that masks were only for health care workers and people infected with the virus founded in his expertise in virology? Because I learned that masks could make a difference when I watched M*A*S*H* as a kid.

It’s CNN. What do you expect? They bring on idiots who repeatedly lie right to the camera, and then they invite them back.

“I do not believe this somehow came from a bat to a human,” Redfield told CNN correspondent Sanjay Gupta

Normally, when a pathogen goes from a zoonot to human, it takes a while for it to figure out how to become more and more efficient in human-to-human transmission.”

Redfield was careful to couch his statement as simply an opinion but cited his long career as a virologist in justifying his belief.”

Pretty fucking irresponsible of CNN to give a platform to this guys unfounded opinion