I missed the original call for such vehicles, bummer.
I missed the original call for such vehicles, bummer.
Just some tumbleweed trivia. They were first noted in the US in 1877 and it took a couple of decades to be pervasive. So, if a movie shows tumble weeds and is set before about 1900, it is an anachronism. They were inadvertently imported into the US from Russia. I think they were used as protective material in packing…
So, AOC “You keeping lists of Trump admin and supporters is terrifying”, but MTG keeping track of specific Congressional members (The Squad) as targets of verbal and physical harm is okey dokey? Yeah, sounds about right-wing.
Yup, my first Prius had damage to the door rubber due to the rope going through the door to affix a ping pong table to the top. No roof rack either.
Many, many people neglect to add the most important tie-down for tall items or mattresses. I see so many mattresses folded up and over themselves with the driver oblivious to the risks of the whole load sailing away.
Perhaps they should clean up the severe misogynist attitudes among truckers in general. The misogynists in their midst make it so women feel so threatened that they quit early or are tossed out by the misogynist trainers not wanting women drivers.
We already basically had one Cheney who was the puppet master behind Bush2 and that was evil enough.
Cheney is setting up for a presidential bid in ‘24 and betting that 45** will by then be toast. Cheney is still very evil.
Cheney is setting up for a presidential bid in ‘24 and betting that 45** will by then be toast. Cheney is still very evil.
There were great movies made in the past that could not get made today. Some of Mel Brooks’s best would not happen now.
Roof rack. I had the dealer include one with my 2021 Prius. Yes, I know it reduces my gas mileage, but I do use it, and a car is a tool to be used and a roof rack makes it far more useful. Within a week of purchasing it, I loaded up a heavy wood dining table plus some plywood onto it.
As for sheet rock. Measure the thickness of the wall sheet rock as there are different thicknesses that could have been used. Using a too thin repair results in having to add a layer of compound to the entire surface. A major pain.
I add coarse salt and vinegar to my water bottle that can not go in the dishwasher. Those slimy gross growths just get scrubbed away by the salt.
While not specifically for feet, and more for other leg muscles, but turn light switches on and off with your feet. If barefoot, use your toes. And bonus if you turn off two switches without lowering your leg. And then do it with your non-dominate foot.
Just a note about H2. Note that in that photo ALL of the combustion is UP and away from the people on the ground. H2 is so light that it rises up and away from the ground unlike almost any other fuel that would be dowsing anyone on the ground and then burning them. Because H2 was used for the dirigibles, it made it…
When your decor is Early-American-Yard-Sale, anything goes!
Concerning this bit, “Having lived through the recent Texas freeze when I was without power for days, parking a reserve power bank in front of my house sounds like an attractive option”
While I know this article is about EVs, I use my hybrid Prius as our backup power during PG&E PSPS events. Other hybrids can also…
If you think these folks are nuts, I’m reading the history of liquid rocket fuel propellants. Wow! Talk about insane. Trying different combinations of chemicals to see if they can get the proper properties of thrust, ignition, and seeing as most of them are highly toxic, those chemical engineers were downright loony!…
Does the vest only work when there is cell phone connectivity? There are lots of areas without cell coverage. So, when riding through such areas, does the device still work with no coverage and how long? If your phone dies for any reason, does the device still work even if your subscription is paid up?
We are not in the desert, although the humidity is low, so depending on the humidity levels, swamp coolers do work in places not in the desert. We’re in the California foothills surrounded by trees, definitely not a desert. We lived in Phoenix for a year, so we know deserts.