
I worked with someone who somehow managed to get a Project Management Professional certification which isn’t easy. I started taking the training classes but realized what a racket it was and bailed. This person would ask how to move columns in Excel. So I taught her. A week later, the same thing. Basically asking how

The use for ants only works for a short time period though. The effectiveness wears off as dust settles and collects on the Vaseline.

You do realize that some cars are not even being sold with a compact tire anymore. Just an electric pump and a can of goo.

None of you’all know him from the terrible remake of The Prisoner? That was one weird bad show and the first time I recall seeing him, and it wasn’t in a good light.

More than once I was asked to NOT get out of my car for the attendant to gas up my car. And each time I had to get out to show them where the gas tank filler was located. The gas tank inlet in my ‘67 VW squareback is inside the trunk and very few attendants know how to open it. Also some tend to want to top it up too

And if you are cheap, like me, I use a worn out pillow case tied at the opening. Worn out as it provides a more open mesh.

One of my kids works for a company that makes video editing products and occasionally testing for bugs needs to be done to replicate a customer’s ancient setup and needs a CRT. I happen to still have a small one with only coax and RCA inputs. The bug only occurs on a CRT, not on other types, so it comes in handy.

Coalinga is where the clutch on my first purchased car, a ‘71 Fiat 128, finally gave out on the way back from a speech competition in the Los Angeles area. I had been drafting behind a van and was doing well until they sped up a bit and I lost the draft. I spent the rest of the trip to Sacramento as the fourth person

Not a popular take, but horses are an invasive species, as not native to the Americas. They took over the space that native species once held.

QI chargers that actually put out enough juice to both charge AND run the smartphone at the same time.

That looks like an oil filter on that motor.

Air cooled VW engines need to be broken in gently, and definitely need some tinkering for a few hundred miles to get things all sorted out and adjusted. I was sweating the whole time after I got the rebuilt engine installed fearing it would break again.

I missed a piece of important information about the kayaking trip in that cursed ‘67 VW bus. While yes, one can achieve 65 MPH in an old VW bus, how LONG it can be done with three kayaks piled on top is very much in question as we found out.

I gathered with a couple of newly acquired friends (meaning I didn’t know them well) for a kayak/raft trip down the Rogue River in Oregon from Seattle. We were driving my ‘67 VW Deluxe bus and I foolishly decided to sleep and let someone else drive. Big mistake. Idiot didn’t see the highway patrol flashing lights

The first car I bought was a ‘71 Fiat 128 two door. It was a good starter car. The official color was Artic Gray, but is this at all gray? I had to search on green to find one.

As an owner of a family-built cabin who rents it out via AirBnB, here are some tips for renters. Mostly obvious, but still.

When we were building our cabin way back in the 70's we found a kitchen for sale at a yard sale. Sold! It is all metal, including the double deep sink stainless with about 3 feet of drainboard on each side. Glorious. During construction we had it set up outside adjacent to the cabin. Someone dropped a hammer from

And 45** won the entire dead relative vote in Pennsylvania . . . all three illegally cast votes. All three have been indicted. There WAS voter fraud . . committed by Republicans.

Doggie bowls go in the dishwasher.

One of my cousins, in his 70's, opened up a hot dog cart on the University of Wisconsin Madison campus. He was out there in the late evenings serving to students studying late. He put his two kids through college from that cart. So, food carts/trucks can be profitable. Maybe not ice cream though.