
For our round-the-US/Canada honeymoon in a ‘76 VW camper, I added a portapotty inside a wooden box. Said box could be easily taken out and used as a seating space. Simple, cheap, and effective.

Unfortunately, legal recourse against the son of the renter is very limited, as the son was not on the contract. It would have had to end up in civil small claims court. There wasn’t enough value to do so. The actual renter was booted out as soon as we could though.

Occasionally, back when I commuted, I would spot a vehicle driving a bit weird, going from one side of the road to the other. Then I notice that their interior light was on and that they were delivering newspapers into tubes on the mailbox stands. That’s it. I went about my own business.

I went to a friends shop to mill some birch I was using for cabinet edging. I came away with about a half dozen garbage bags full of chips and dust. We soon rented out the house and I left the bags there with instructions to leave the garage alone. The dipshit son of renter decided he wanted to park in the garage, so

Just be aware that the plumbing fittings that come with any bidet may not fit directly with your plumbing. You may have to make a trip to your local plumbing supplier to find adapters. Be prepared for them to look at you askance for not buying one of their two bidets, which neither will fit your toilet.

Just be aware that the plumbing fittings that come with any bidet may not fit directly with your plumbing. You may

Depends. First choice is to pull through to be able to leave going forward. Depends on the vehicle and the spacing in the lot. For some small, tight spaced lots, backing in provides more precise parking. When I’m in my F350 long bed dually crewcab, I don’t even pretend, I just find at least two empty adjacent spaces,

We had fun in college in the vehicle stability class. One exercise was riding a bicycle with a trailer with an axle that could be set at various distances along the length. Add a load and it shortly becomes apparent where the location of an axle should be relative to the load.

For the gents out there, get your PSA level checked regularly. I am on the recovery side of surgery to remove that offending C laden organ. I watched my dad get ravaged by it. For the non-gents with gentlemen friends, remind them to get their PSA level checked regularly.

Not much anyone else can do unfortunately. I started a tear down and restoration of my long-owned ‘67 squareback. I used the initial stimulus check to purchase some bits and bobbles needed during re-assembly after paint. I was working from home anyway, so I had that going for me, two additional hours of usable time.

That Yamaha RD350 reminds me of the ‘71 Honda CB350 I drove in Seattle, year-round, for a few years. Yeah, I wasn’t bright back then.

If I recall correctly, in Idaho you are not required to have a windshield, but are required to have windshield wipers. Go figure!

Has taxing tires for road maintenance been tried or proposed? All vehicles use tires and tire wear is proportional to miles driven. Well, except for burnouts where they wear out tires and road faster anyway.

We had a double wide manufactured home put on our piece of property. Some years later we noticed some mouse droppings. The connection between the two halves was a flex duct that lay on the ground, where the mice got in and up througn the floor vents. We are in hanta virus country. I rigged up a series of cardboard

When the engine started, the auto-closed caption called it out as [music]. Seems proper.

Solo brake bleeding. Run the bleed line UP and over the tire and then down into the waste container. Bubbles flow UP and away from the bleed valve so when the brake pedal is release the bubbles are NOT pulled back into the valve. It really works great. The only tricky part is getting the valve open just enough to

Since my ‘64 F100 crewcab was a special order coach-built truck in ‘64 I learned that when I needed parts, take them in to the store and say I want one of those. Many parts were not stock Ford parts, including the single cylinder power assisted master brake. Turned out to be from a Buick Electra. I replaced it with a

There is no way on earth that any bus full of kids would ever get rolling if the PTB mandated that all kids be belted in place. Hard enough to get half that may kids in their desk seats, in class. How many injuries would occur, daily, from kids slapping other kids with the belts?

I hate buying shoes. 600 choices at any give store with little to differentiate between them except for looks, which I do not care about. So, I go to thrift stores and buy what fits in the type I’m looking for. My podiatrist made a note in my record, “buys cheap shoes”.

I’ve been called by my neighbor due to a bat in the bedroom twice. I used a butterfly net to gently capture the bat and released it outside. Not a big deal. One was hanging from a curtain rod, so placing the net underneath and gently coaxing the bat to drop was easy. The other one was flying around so I waited until

Towards the end of our 7 month honeymoon camping trip around the US and Canada were were in Manitoba, in a blizzard. Just trying to get to the next town to stop for the night. We were in a ‘76 VW camper bus that had proved to be faithful for the 20k miles we had put on it for this trip. Well, a 45 MPH cross wind on