
I can understand AT&T being vexed over Tmob's reliance in rural areas. I was just traveling through NH and VT two weeks ago and noticed that I kept on hopping on AT&T. In Boston, I almost never roam. Another weird thing. Tmob text'd me when I got to the USA/Canada border. My GPS wasn't even on, but it was

Thanks. Good explanation.

I know they are tracking it, but they give me a little bit of a break seeing as though I can go well over standard caps and still read 0. That's why I was wondering if I'd get special treatment, but I think that might be wishful thinking.

Unlike other business models, I don't think consolidation of privacy policies for Google will help streamline anything but their ability to profile us. Where some companies may benefit from less redundant duties by consolidation, Google's consolidation workload is probably finite and limited tweaking their database

They mention daisy chaining with Thunderbolt, so I imagine it would be similar to SSCI daisy chaining, but plug&play (and $50 a pop cables).

If people are truly that ignorant, then why aren't IE's numbers still strong. It ships with windows. If performance isn't a factor, then why didn't Firefox remain the contender? With all the Ipods in the world, why isn't Safari in the top three, considering Itunes always tries to sneak it in with downloads and

Actually, there are single impact and multiple impact helmets. Those that use single layer or dual layer hard foam with hollow plastic shells are considered single impact and are meant to shatter to dissipate the impact force. Multiple impact helmets have layered foams of differing densities and the shells are

Assuming that the facility, at 300,000 square feet, is one story (which I have no proof and may be wrong). That would most likely mean the roof is also approximately 300k sq ft. The average solar panel is roughly 10 watts per square foot. That's 3,000,000 watts, or 3 MW, if I'm doing that conversion right. I'm

Didn't Elvis die on a toilet, reading Giz on a Moto RAZR? I wonder what that browser would score on an Acid 3 test.

Minor correction—Half the people in the world type "" in the search bar of their browser.

It's recyclable. See. Turtle bait.

Tomatoes, of course....

I don't know...I think this looks a bit better than the majority of Bell helmets you see in the wild. It looks less "check me out in my spandex" and more urban explorer. I take it from the image that these helmets aren't meant to shatter on impact like a Bell helmet though, which is why most people who are serious

Wonder how this will affect those of us who are grandfathered into old school data plans. I’m locked into a plan that doesn’t even register my data use. I check the tmob website every now and then, and my data listing always reads 0.

Tmobile has been roaming on AT&T since 2003.

Yes, but Thunderbolt, like all good external ports, isn't just for hard drives. Its ability to daisy chain will most likely require the additional bandwidth over SATA3. If you had a couple drives, displays, and future devices like external graphics/sound devices, then you could probably eat up 3Gbit/s pretty easily.

I'm pretty sure all points are lost when you spend $590M on anything.

Wouldn't it have made more sense to just purchase a fortified hotel on the waterfront with that type of cash? That way, you wouldn't have to deal with that pesky "no mounted guns on civilian boats" rule.


You insert your arm into the rollers. It then uses the heat from the tubes to burn binary code into your flesh. When you need to recall the data, you just look down at your scorched arm.