
Any real coffee snob knows that you simply toss 2 table spoons of freshly ground roasted coffee beans into your mouth, followed immediately by 6 ounces of 198.2 degree water. Wait precisely 184 seconds, then swallow. Your digestive track will automatically filter out the grinds. Coffee making devices are for

Does that brownie oven in the lower left run off the fire, or do you need a gas hook up?

The true test is if this lizard learns that no matter how many times it tries to eat those ants, nothing happens. I suspect it would play this game forever.....just like a human. I think the true lesson is that game is pointless.

Don't get me wrong...I agree that a theoretical city of that size would be overkill for only 1M people, but you can't compare population density with NYC. This crazy retro-futuristic city doesn't appear to have condo skyscrapers and I'd be willing to guess from the few glimpses I can see that there are no structures

True. Rhode Island has just over 1M people, so I think you are closer to a modern day figure. But we went from 200+M people in 1969 to 300+M people today in the us alone, so maybe those figures were 1969 figures.

"Shapes that are not rectangular with four flat sides or that do not have four rounded corners."

True, Flash and other plugins are definite weak points in all browsers, particularly ones that don't sandbox. But for every Flash exploit out there, there are probably a dozen websites with system dialog pop-ups that say "press OK for free MP3", but are ready to launch an executable. Just update plugins and always

Yes and no. I'd venture a guess that the majority of browser based security compromises stem from targeted attacks against people looking for porn, free software/music, or targeting old people on AOL. So yes, you would have to navigate to a stupid URL like "" or ""

Holy shit, toothpaste!?! For realz? I never would have guessed that would work? Thanks Giz, gonna try it later.

......which is why I quoted Dumb and Dumber. The FBI agent talked Harry into being a human decoy by giving him a bullet proof vest, but Lloyd asked "what if he shot you in the face?"

Epic sex tape? Sweet! Stalking is so much easier now with the internet.

I fail to see how a convertible is bulletproof. Sure, maybe the body, but what about the lack of a roof? Reminds me of Dumb and Dumber: "What if he shot you in the face?"

I'm trying to figure out how useful having an "identify sub-B actors app" would be, but I'm stumped. For trivia? For simply the warm, fuzzy feeling of knowing? For stalking? I'm also trying to remember the last time I actually wanted to know a commercial actor's name. I looked back and could only come up with

There is a lot more that goes into raising Wagyu cattle, right down to the genetics and lineage of each Wagyu cow. It is absurdly expensive, but the expense of raising each cow to butchering weight is also absurd for this industry. It's not an every week type of steak, unless you are filthy rich, but well worth it

Ha! I actually meant the jeans, but great association. I think I used one of those while recording on a 2" reel to reel.

I can imagine it now: Go to hammer in a nail. Miss nail completely. Hit thumb instead. Realize that I used the hatchet side. Cry myself to emergency room.

Numbers are worse, unless the product achieves icon status. SL-1200 anyone? What about D90 or 5D Mark II? R2D2, 2600, K750, 808, 747, 501? You all know what these things are just by the numbers.

Are you aware that when you diss Dre, you are in fact dissing yourself? It's a paradox, I know.

I can't tell if you are for or against Siri, but you made my point anyway. Android never promoted their voice recognition software. It wasn't a feature worth heralding, particularly not in the ridiculous manner that Apple has advertised Siri. Android voice recognition still remains a semi-useful novelty, but not

It was refreshing to see an honest gripe about Apple for a change.....that was until I saw that you still managed to besmirch Android, calling its voice control half-baked and a lesser product than your already poorly reviewed Siri. You managed to take a dump on Android in tandem to your dump on Apple. Question is,