Have you watched anything she was in other than Harry Potter? Bling Ring was dreck but she nailed the part.
Have you watched anything she was in other than Harry Potter? Bling Ring was dreck but she nailed the part.
The Atlantic rejected a think piece I wrote recently, and it’s not the first time.
Once again, we must turn to the sage words of Elaine Benes.
Yeah, there are some fantastic actors on this list, including her. Emma Watson seems a particularly dumb inclusion too.
Amy Adams should not be on this list and she should have won an Oscar for Enchanted!
wow ia
Clover why u trolling. The comments will be great at least. Brie Larson, Amy Adams and Emma Watson can totally act, the rest of the list is correct.
I always refer to her wardrobe as Aunt Pittypat’s parlor fusnishings. I have long been of the belief her stylist hates her guts.
It’s like a 70's couch is telling me to deal with it.
I can feel the hair and shades in a kind of 70s Cher kinda way, but that pussy bow blouse and goofy ass earrings are not it.
Yeah. I actually liked him more as I read down through his tweets. So that kinda backfired.
Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.
*golf clap*
I would argue that some of the investors may have been lied to, so they themselves may not have committed fraud; just handed money over to a grown ass man who goes by the name of Billy.
Hard disagree. The folks behind Fyre Fest sold stuff to attendees that they knew they didn’t have to sell (like beach house accommodations), and kept trying to pump attendees for money (by contacting them with VIP offers and sending out emails encouraging them to load money onto wristbands for use at a festival) even a…
Ja Rule, merely saying your actions weren’t fraudulent doesn’t automatically make your actions not fraudulent.
Well, his first defense was
It’s great how his first defense was that it was meant to be a private message. That’s... very much not the point, buddy.
Piers Morgan... Donald Trump...