
[Former English teacher] Joy Behar gives him every opportunity to re-frame his apologies to Anita Hill in the active voice - even offering him the verbiage (“ I treated you”) - and he doubles down on using the passive voice (“ you were treated”); he can not even accept her gift (and it was a gift).

old white men gonna old white men. 

Just retire, Joe.

Good dog.

Frankie is a good dog, and, based on your concerns about the underrepresented demographics of dog parents (plus the clear happiness of Frankie on her lovely pet bed), you are a good human.

I don’t know the Trolls soundtrack, but damn, this really did sound like a promo song for a wholesome summer movie that I probably wouldn’t see. Not terrible, but also, not really much of anything? Except colours, so many colours.

Yes, Harry was very much a scrawny little kid when Will came of heartthrob age.

Hi, Randilyn! It's nice to see you back with us!

Marchioness of Cholmondeley

Harry has the male pattern baldness going on too:

My dad and I saw 5 in one sitting. They were coming over the ocean, hovered in particular spots, then shot up so quickly. No noise. It was incredible, even if it was military aircraft. I was dating an astronomer at the time who needed military air logs and he said nothing was scheduled for that time. I want to believe.

William started out the spitting image of his mother...

I served in the Navy from 96-00 on board a destroyer based in San Diego and did a couple West PAC tours to the persian gulf. I was a lowly PN3 and had to stand watch like most of the crew. While we were in transit to the gulf, I think after Malaysia, I was standing watch on the starboard side of the bridge with our

Whhhooooooaaaa! William was a teen heartthrob of the highest caliber.  Right up there with JTT and Devon Sawa.  Harry was the dark horse in the looks department.  

They NEVER body shame. They only post red carpet stuff where, yea it’s part of their job to dress for that night for publicity. It’s fully in the realm of acceptable fashion critique. 

It’s just fucking clothes. Who cares what people think of what you’re wearing? Especially if you’re rich enough to wear expensive clothes and conventionally attractive. If the critics arn’t body shaming, poor shaming or being racist, they are every right to publish what they want about fashion.

I find it baffling. Go Fug Yourself isn’t even mean. They only talk about the clothes and do not body-shame, nor do they allow it in the comments. Olivia picked the wrong thing to complain about and as has been pointed out on twitter, is a massive hypocrite.

I currently subscribe to the theory that the Night King, conspicuously absent from last episode’s final scene, is en route to King’s Landing, where shit will get real and he’ll amass more dead (golden dead even!) to his army. While that happens, the poor souls at Winterfell will be battling the wights and white walker

To all the mouth-breathers i the comments saying “BUT SHE SAID ONE OF THE WORST, NOT THE WORST!,” here’s a couple other awful things that happened to Germany that weren’t the holocaust in the last century

There is an argument to be made about suppressing the right to vote for people currently in jails and prisons: we don’t ever accord rights absolutely, and they are subject to reasonable restriction (take note, gun nuts). Even First Amendment rights are frequently subject to time, place and manner restrictions (take