
qq just wondering why it is that so many people are struggling with blackface? i, a white person, have gone for the entirety of my 33 years without ever donning blackface, or hanging out with people in blackface, or designing a clothing item that looks like blackface. tbh i’ve done it without even trying. the trick is

I love how the NYPD is standing around the Chicago pie, looking at as if it was a dead body they’d just fished out of the East River. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a chalk outline on the table when the meat wagon came to pick it up.

A pie? It’s a fucking casserole. Come at me bro!!

I just can’t call that stuff from Chicago pizza. It’s not bad, it’s just not pizza.

That’s not pizza. It’s lasagna with a pie crust. That’s not a bad thing, mind you, but it’s not pizza.

Nick Cannon’s sandy/blond hair reminded me more of Dave Chappelle:


“GAYLE KING: Also known as slavery.”

Jezebel-writers, stop fucking publishing stuff that makes her dad money and invades her privacy, like publishing her private correspondence specifically asking him to stop selling any scrap, true or untrue, for money to the press.

Meghan Trainor’s sleek in a structured jumper.

I didn’t hear it and I probably listened to it like 15 times today. I think the entire album is fantastic.

I’m no Ari stan or even fan but the song/video is not about bisexuality - it’s about self love, that’s why the girl looks like her. She’s carrying on this empowerment, don’t need a man theme clearly through the 3 songs released thus far. Also, she samples N’Sync on the song and it hit me in the nostalgia feels.

It makes me sad that shes nothing like Peggy Olson irl

Elisabeth Moss is an all-in Scientologist, so her opinion on anything should be subject to out of hand dismissal.  I am taking a HARD pass on this one. 

Now playing

Hey! There’s totally a connection between Single Ladies and Gwen Verdon! Is Michelle Williams intuiting this connection, hiding in plain sight?

Also, as often as not, women didn’t so much “enter” convents as they were shipped away to them. This doesn’t sound to me like a story of a woman renouncing her vows, but rather escaping captivity. 

No, this is assault, plain and simple. Joke all you want but this woman sounds like or checks all the boxes of a sexual predator.

I can’t reveal which guy, but I used to work for one of them. Here’s what you need to understand:

It’s a solid - if distasteful - legal position. Nobody can say they didn’t know all the history already, nevertheless Amazon’s legal dept signed off on this deal.