
I can’t imagine ghosting is a new phenomenon even if the name of it is relatively new. It definitely got easier to do with caller id and then more obvious to the ghosted once there was texting, but there is no way that avoiding people you don’t want to see/talk to anymore is a new thing.

I’m excited for men to experiment with their fashion, but the top two pictured are almost comical. An untucked, unfitted shirt with a rent-a-tux bow tie isn’t a good look on anyone. Michael B. Jordan’s tux is fine, but the harness is puzzling and detracts from the look.

Aren’t we going to dish their gowns? This is an awards show, after all.

Is it that I’m paying more attention, or is men’s red carpet fashion finally getting more creative? I feel like more and more dudes are pushing themselves beyond the black and white well cut tux, and I’m here for it.

The Oscars or the Globes are all about show; the SAG Awards are about about biz - specifically the Union, labor supporting labor and its work (this was abundantly understood by the winners’ speeches, many of whom focused on employment issues). So for this occasion, the flashy and foufy seem a bit much. Therefore...

Man am I ever grateful that my skin doesn’t react poorly to dairy consumption.  I’m not sure I could ever give it up even if it did give me a face full of zits!

One of my wife’s facebook friends shared a story this weekend about her abortion experience.

We may never know which one came first.

The stamina of this thread has been a surprise. I thought the comments would peter out after about 3 to 5 minutes.

I disagree. The real tragedy are his victims. Another way of looking at Michael Jackson is he crafted a persona that appealed to children. Mild- mannered. Child-like. His home was built to entice children. All to create the perfect environment for a predator. People act like Michael Jackson was some sort of naive waif

Yeah, i’m pretty sure the “real tragedy” is Michael Jackson raping children.

Please stop defending him in any way shape or form. There are no mitigating circumstances with child molestation. He was a scumbag predator whose deeds rest solely on his own shoulders. Of course he had help-but no one was forcing him to destroy these boys’ lives.

I saw the very end, so I just saw Liu and Bell, and I was surprised how much more beautiful Bell’s routine was. Like night and day.

......but “held her by the throat” and “made her swallow” aren’t really words used when something is consensual.

Yes, and probably she is into that, but that man didn't need to share it to the world, what's the point, that's what is disgusting.

What he’s describing doesn’t sound consensual and whether it was or wasn’t, I agree with you. I hope that never happens for him again. 

It was in no way based on importance. I just didn’t want that headline filed to “Dirt Bag.” I adored Fatima on her season of Top Chef and have been rooting for her ever since. 

Yes, this seems like a pretty straightforward telling of the Bundy story and his relationship. It’s gross and uncomfortable because that’s who he was and that’s how the story played out.

This is exactly right. I worked with a woman who knew him, and she said he was very attractive and charming, and did not come of creepy (at least on the level she knew him) in the least. 

But wasn’t the whole point that Bundy was more than “vaguely likable?” that is how he was able to victimize so many woman, by getting them to trust him.