
A better PR team would have said “We thought it was funny how dorky he looked, and we see no problem with a white guy showing overt support for either black Americans or black Africans. You’ll look better in it. Wakanda forever.

Rich: sorry to hijack this thread, but PLEASE let the IT people know that the commentariat is in a near - revolt!

Nothing says “Feminist counterpart” like a princess’s handmaiden.

This was not a very good example of Miley singing live. She obviously has a head cold or something going on. She doesn’t usually sound SO nasally like this (I’m not even a Miley fan, I just have a few nieces who like her and share videos of her all the time). However, I can appreciate your opinion on her voice,

The whole point of this article is making fun of Jezebel’s good/bad takedowns. Calm down. 

If men would just start from the perfectly reasonable premise that nobody actually wants to see photos of our dicks, the world would be a better place.

I recapped this season of Dallas on another site and my lord, let me tell you - the world is sleeping on this part of the franchise.

I haven’t watched the special yet but I did watch the first season and while I liked it, and think the premise of the reboot is awesome, I really wish I had liked season 1 more. I feel like they are barely scratching the surface with some of their best characters (like the aunts, especially Zelda) and there was

Notifications have been messed up across Kinja for several days (weeks?) now and it seems to be getting worse.

Firstly, this guy is definitely NOT good at sex with “his woman.” No man who is good at sex tells a woman he’s good at sex. He lets that be a happy surprise for her further along in the relationship (or further along that night, given the nature of the hook up).


Now playing

This is as ridiculous as Nicole Kidman advertising anti-wrinkle creams for Neutrogena - after having been the “frozen face of botox” punchline for a decade. I missing something here?

Hi! Sorry your experience at Jezebel was less than perfect. We’re working on correcting the typo, and we’d like to invite you and your friends back, on the house. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!

this is good kinja. 

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It’s inspired by Delftware pottery. The Dutch used to import it from China but started making their own in the 1600s when the supply was interrupted.

Miss Vietnam is Queen of Carbs, and I love it.