
You’re not alone! I’ve cut a toxic family member out of my life and I think it’s probably more common that most people think. It’s just that the people who haven’t needed to do so can be so unsympathetic that we usually keep it to ourselves. Anyone who asks me about Toxina gets a quick, “Oh, she’s fine!” and a subject


Yikes, this hits close to home.

I know a guy who can help with your dad sitch.

Just go and completely ignore him. I have a mother that I like to refer to as the devil. I haven’t spoken to her in 5 years and if I ever saw her again I would completely ignore her and act like she didn’t exist. She treated me like the gum stuck to her shoe for my whole life, she doesn’t deserve a second look.

I too have felt like The Freak Without Parents Who Are Totally Alive Yet Are Horrible People ... it IS nice to know we’re not alone. It amazes me when people learn this and dismiss the issue, “oh, you’ll talk to him / her again, s/he’s your mother / father!” and are truly baffled when I respond “No, I won’t. S/he’s

Yeah, your situation sucks but you are can’t tell her who to invite or not. My advice is pick somoeone you trust out of the guests and ask hher/him to run interference, or adhere yourself to a group

I think it’s fair to ask your cousin not to invite your dad. She already knows that, due to his toxic behavior and the hurt that he’s caused, your dad has been cut out of the lives of you and your sister. That estrangement is no small thing and was done for your own safety and mental health. Explain to her that the

Oh honey I have a huge family (23 first cousins) and it has been nothing but bliss since cutting out the bad seeds (specifically all 3 of my aunts - my dad has 4 bothers as well that are okay, but still all kind of shit talkers but are tolerable). My family is super fucked up and I think we all thought it was funny

No advice, just a randomly specific “same!” except replace cousin with sister, and add in the kids I now have my father hasn’t met for literally no reason and doesn’t deserve to, but we’re all in the wedding, so. I can’t punish my sister by not going, and it’s 12 hours away so I, too, could not just leave. I have no

1. Ask your cousin if she would consider not inviting him out of respect to you.

MMM I only have this exact situation with one of my cousins and her mom, my aunt - MY AUNT STILL MADE THE WEDDING A NIGHTMARE.

I think the most 1999 part of that interview is Britney talking about her stage outfits for tour. It’s so perfectly teen pop star.

Sofia’s income is clearly Head and Shoulders above the others, being a Cover Girl who drinks lots of Pepsi while watching Hulu and wearing her KMart line. (She makes more from her endorsements than from Modern Family)

-Eric Stonestreet is the funniest person on Modern Family by far. At least, he was when i watched the show (up to S4 or S5).

She’s seeing the writing on the wall and getting herself in fighting shape for her old job. Unfortunately for her a lot can change in two years, and Fox News has realized there’s no point paying an O’Rielly or a Kelly when they could get the same result paying a Carlson or an Ingraham. Their viewers tune in for the

Look, Megyn Kelly is a lot of things, but she’s not stupid. She’s been in the public eye for a couple of decades and knows damn well how this shit works. You will never convince me she was somehow unaware of the social and political baggage that blackface carries, and only discovered that now.

I always think of PC as “trying not to be an asshole.” I’m not sure why that’s so controversial. 

Politically Correct” also means “diplomatic” or “respectful.” It’s important to always keep that in mind when someone is trying to boast that they aren’t “PC” and never will be

Holy shit this is a nightmare of mine. Particularly at the insanely long escalators at some of the metro stations in DC. May this be a warning to those people who stop to look at their phone or some nonsense right when they get off the escalator and cause a mini pile up....