
I’m so sorry about your friend.  It’s an awful disease, and I’m so grateful to still be here 22 years later.

Nope! Just genuinely had never seen the show and thought it would be fun to watch it. I’m really not savvy enough to sit around scheming on how to get clicks, lol, but glad people are enjoying it. And with all due respect, I’ve been pretty upfront about how I’m coming to the show blind and how I want to roast it.

As a single working mom, we get frozen pizza about once a week, and DiGiorno is what I spring for because of the thick crust and cheesey goodness makes me feel less guilty about feeding myself and my kids frozen pizza. But based on your recommendation, I will give Red Barron a try.

Who missed that? Really?

I did NOT know that. Oh, how disappointing. Gross. Also, unless you’ve gone to school for engineering, let’s not pretend we fully understand something as complex as how a building would fall if it was crashed into by a fucking airplane. 

The unfortunate thing is that there’s an epidemic out there...of quacks willing to diagnose anybody with pretty much any symptoms as having “lyme disease” and then charging these poor folks tens of thousands of dollars to give them dozens of antibiotics they don’t need that’ll completely fuck up their gut bacteria and

I’m annoyed by how many of you didn’t understand the clear reference to “Sk8r Boi” in the hed...

I don’t know anything about these people but reading between the line it sounds like they are talking about “chronic Lyme” quackery. Chronic Lyme Disease is not a real thing.

Does someone have to die before they really do something about stalkers? Kendall already lives in a gated community, has security guards. I feel awful for anyone who has these kind of problems, not being able to feel safe as home is the worst.

Is it going to become a requirement that HBO shows all have an Italian-American man playing twins?

Especially when it is pretty clear to anyone who has paid any kind of attention (I’ve paid way to much, don’t judge), that Yolanda didn’t have Lyme. If you believed her, Yolanda and her whole family contracted it. This would have been a not insignificant chunk of all the Californians that develop new cases in a year.

glory be to riri on high forever and ever amen

That is great camp. It’s like the comeback triumph of Baby Jane Hudson!

Now playing

And this! One of my go-to “I’m feeling sad and would prefer to feel differently” videos.

Chill dude, it's a play on her song "Sk8er Boi", it's not seeious.

“I sent this to a load of exorcists yesterday and their reaction was similar to mine,” said Thomas. “That shows this is not something that is make believe.”

Just be careful they don’t expire before you need them. Medicines do have expiration dates.

It defiantly sounds like a “a period piece”. I’ll see myself out now.

I just hope they don’t try to age-up Margaret. An awkward, unsure Margaret is the hero we all need right now.

I went into this, having read the headline, thinking the detective was covering up for Weinstein.