Tripp’s interview pissed me off too. It came across as such self-serving bullshit.
Tripp’s interview pissed me off too. It came across as such self-serving bullshit.
He’s like a rough draft that could get there with more detail work from the sculptor. Or, as I like to think of it, a photo loading over a dial-up connection where the lower portion containing the body filled in first, and the head and face are still pixelated.
And a potato face.
Precisely this. People were lied to by his abs.
He's a “Buthis-Face”.
And my sister. She texted me this morning and asked my thoughts on this subject, and I directed her to the Slow Burn podcast. She agrees with us.
Yessssssss I came here to reference this podcast. I feel terrible about how Lewinsky was treated by the media and I think she was done a serious disservice, but I certainly don’t think she was coerced into soemthing she didn’t want. She pursued him with a reckless abandon that I almost appreciate and respect.
I like that you said “both sides” as if there were only two ways to say that cursed word. I lived in the South long enough to know that there are at least three ways (PEE-can, peh-KHAN, peh-CAN, etc), and none are correct and everyone’s cousin will fight you over this at Thanksgiving.
Yes. He is making a sexual assault joke about a DNA kit. For... some reason.
Miller was in her life for much longer than Davidson, Miller was there for her through the horror of the bombing and the concert after it....not to mention what I’m sure she went through trying to help him cope with his addiction. I suspect, like a lot of people, she didn’t break up with him because she didn’t love…
“We will take that little kit and say—but we have to do it gently, because we’re in the #MeToo generation, so we have to be very gentle.”
Thank you for finally speaking against Tatum, your stand has inspired in me the courage to say that he has a block head.
I believe Erin said it best:
Thank you, ladies. This is giving me life because female sexual agency is important, and we just can’t protect that or even effectively fight rape culture by treating women like victims every time they have sex we don ‘t like. No to this infantalization. When adult sexual relationships are being discussed, a…
Personally, I prefer a muff to a scarf.
Yeah, I don’t like the infantilization of Monica and women in general when it comes to stuff like this. She took active steps to seduce him (flashing her thong, etc.), and may have even premeditated the seduction (“I’m bringing my Presidential kneepads”).
Thank you. And I have listened to Slow Burn. Every episode.
Yeah, no. We have all been 22 at some point in our lives. I personally never dated, had sex, etc with any married man, my supervisor or not. We do have to take responsibility for our own actions. The sex was not a condition of Lewinsky’s (unpaid?) employment. She was not harassed or coerced into it. I do feel…