Her name is Saga? Holy shit... Ragnarok, here we come.
With all that’s just fucking cascading, I totally forgot about that.
Turns out doxxing a public official is highly illegal
“Welcome to ____, bitch” will never get old for former cast members of The OC. See: Ryan Atwood on Gotham. Respect, Gold.
You can think about ethics when your money situation improves. Sticking to your values won’t put food on your table and you’re not being asked to go on TV and make announcements that would go against your ideals.
Rich, these interviews are so good! I loved this and this Liz Phair one in particular.
This looks amazing, the trailer gave me chills! Like actually terrified chills, as opposed to fun horror movie chills. And I lived through all this crap as an adult the first time around. UGH.
Unpopular opinion: American Psycho was just as awful as the book upon which it is based. It was a boring porno that tried to dress itself up as art and failed at both.
This seems brilliantly cast. I look forward to destroying an armrest while hate watching it!
I’ve been a soldier [American Sniper], a musician [A Star Is Born], a chef [Burnt], and a disfigured person [The Elephant Man]. I still want to play a conductor.
Doesn’t help that J K Rowling is revealing herself to be quite transphobic these days
give him the rope, let him hang himself.
Just grudges, man. Grudges pack small.
He seems super nostalgic about high school, like his emotional development stopped around his freshman year.
Did you guys keep anything from 1983? I dunno but it’s super fucking weird that these guys kept everything from high school.
Did you ever consider that maybe she is a “total train wreck” because of trauma she has suffered? She also is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse by her father starting at age 6. Not sure if you know that. As a fellow CSA survivor (mine started at about age 4) I take issue with the fact that because someone has…