Yeah, the anyonmous accusations should be treated with care. This is why an investigation is needed. A republican released the letters, they aren’t doing that because they care.
I’m trying figure out how you’d sit in that outfit.
‘I’m a very famous person, unfortunately.’
Mark Judge’s ex-girlfriend says she wants to testify. You know the one who Judge confided in that he and his buds liked to gang rape girls in high school...
And yet that is called a trailer! You’re right to call it a clip, because that’s all it is and I can’t imagine that clip - just a freakout with no context - could sell a single ticket.
Oh, also, compare this section in the letter:
McConnell described Mitchell as a “female assistant”
I like Chelsea. She’s a type I don’t always like - kind of a “guy’s girl” - but she seems to value female friendships as well.
Hoo boy, Whitney is not my favorite character. Smarmy, judgy weirdo who’s always too invested in the lives of people two or three decades younger.
YES! I’ve always thought that about Shep! (The breath thing). I think it’s because his teeth are enormous? And clearly fake?
She’s a terrible person. Being with a rapey, narcissistic prick doesn’t account for her sociopathy.
I didn’t say he was a “good” one, just that he was the lesser of, like, 8 evils. I struggle with my love-hate relationship! :D
Whitney was the one to shop it to Bravo
Whitney (or his memaw) have producer credits on the show strangely enough...
there aren’t any
I said this on Twitter but will repeat it here:
One important detail here is the female rage itself, which I’d argue is the fifth member of this group. To get attention, to be taken seriously, to stand up for herself, to fend off a sexual predator, etc. these female characters are literally reduced to taking up arms and violence. Why? Because in the traditional…