
Mahalo, Mazie!

During Elvis Presley’s Hollywood years, he liked to throw big parties at his Bel Air home and have lots of decorative starlets around the pool. But Elvis had a major foot fetish, and didn’t want to see any girls with gnarly feet.

If Sessions actually succeeds in overturning X-K- it’ll be a nightmare for everyone. The whole thing stems from a weird quirk of the law. Asylum-seekers who arrive at a port of entry and ask for asylum are subject to mandatory detention by law, and can be held in ICE detention for the multiple months it takes to

Judge Kavanaugh will give free reign to anonymous donors and foreign governments

Claire McCaskill is running neck and neck in a state that Trump won by 18 points, and nonetheless decided against voting for Kavanaugh. Ladies and gentlemen, that is what political courage looks like.

I had the soundtrack on cassette (get off my lawn). On that, you had:

So, they get baked, then boiled.  Got it.

Dont you mean Complicit?


The reality of surgeries pre-anesthesia still absolutely boggles my mind. It’s one of those things I just genuinely can’t grasp the reality of, likely out of a defense mechanism. Just... horrific to imagine what kind of pain people went through, and that’s not even getting into the issue of sterilization and infection.

I don't like TMZ either, but wills are public record. That's why most famous people use trusts; they are private. But wills must be filled in probate court. 

No apologies for posting this:

Okay. Real talk. I worked on a movie with him. He is 100% Thor. You seen Thor Ragnarok? Very little separation between that Thor and Actual Chris Hemsworth.

I think good looking Aussie men are required by law to be charming.

Have to give a shoutout to my at-risk Dem senator in this solidly red state: Joe Donnelly seems to have removed himself from the list of red state Dems who might have ended up voting to confirm Kavanaugh. Heidi Heitkamp is calling for full investigation of the sexual assault charges. Maybe by the end of this,

I don’t normally go for the surfer-dude looks, but I would probably collapse into a creamy puddle if I saw Chris Hemsworth in person.  That man is preternaturally beautiful.

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Yes, yes he is good looking BUT, his true shine is that he is funny as hell. Watch him on Graham Norton and bask in his humor. This is a nice Best Of. FYI his brother Liam is very funny too.

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This quote is hilarious to me because it’s basically a rewording of Melissa McCarthy’s sentiments. If he really is that perfect, maybe he is the son of a god.

The post that launched a thousand shirtless Helmsworth comments.