
There is no way what-so-fucking-ever this isn’t because the French Open is lousy with racists who can’t stand to be dominated so thoroughly by a strong black woman, and furthermore can’t look at her without immediately turning her into some sort of fucked-up 19th-century hottentot throwback.

She makes them feel so puny and pathetic. She makes them feel so weak and insecure. She walks out on that court, looking like that, dominating the sport like that, and they cannot handle it. The only thing they can do to try and diminish her power and her greatness is some bullshit dress code? SUFFER, FRENCH TENNIS

When my brother was born, I was 5. I remember being excited about getting a new brother. My parents gave us small gifts when he was born. I remember getting a lip locket and a polly pocket when my mom was in the hospital and my dad saying “These are from your baby brother and he is excited to meet you” and that worked

Whatever. I’m sure I’ll be fine.

I think we all know....

He’s like a more smoldering version of Chris Evans, but I can’t muster up lusty feelings for him out of concern he may share his father’s politics. 

Sorry, Scott, all this insistence you’re having lots of post-breakup sex - very sexy sex! - leads me to believe you’re sitting at home in the dark listening to Post Malone’s “I Fall Apart” while you sadly masturbate in between sobbing fits.

After her breastfeeding feet...

I love the Newseum. I’m glad she’s finally getting at least some of the recognition she has so long deserved. 

I’m sure I don’t know, dahling; luck favors ze prepared.

I never look back dahlink it distracts from the naow.

I lost a friend in the shooting in East Nashville last week, and his death was immediately politicized and turned into a cesspool of racist tirades. The comments have been horrendous. He would be so, so devastated to see people using his death in this way.

I expected the character with the big Edna glasses to proclaim “NO CAPES”

She is just GORGEOUS in drag and could Dancing Queen BE a more perfect name for her show?

My GODDESS! Bianca and Latrice would absolutely kill in a talk show format.

The most important part of the investigation is that they learned that he’s 6-0 against Michigan and has won a BCS championship for the Buckeyes.

If you’re unaware of who Edwards is, just know that she was the only contestant on the show to actually dance well