Complicit was one of the best SNL skits in a while. My other favorite Trump related skit was “Kellywise”
Farewell Ms. Franklin. You had a wonderful voice that crossed genres and time.
Huh. Maybe that’s why she tried to unilaterally change the definition of “complicit.”
Steve Bannon Is Back In the Movie Biz, Baby
Remember her Vanity Fair interview? Masterclass in showing just enough vulnerability to appear genuine and sympathetic while still projecting the strong independent woman vibe, not to mention a perfect application of “bless his heart.”
I mostly agree. But she did just say that he’s such a bad alcoholic that she’s prolonging the divorce because she doesn’t trust him to have any custody of the kids in his current state. She’s sweet about it but it’s not really 100% dirty undie free. While it’s not a secret, I doubt he loves having his alcoholism…
Angelina Jolie should hire Jennifer Garner’s PR people because that’s how you get a dig in while keeping your hands clean.
A number of the individuals making these threats have domestic violence and assault charges in their pasts. This is super serious and I hope these people go to jail.
I would have gone to everyone of those haggard ass still thinking they are “mean girls” houses and demanded they look me in the eye. I’d go with, “You aren’t anonymous neither is your kid’s _____ (fill in the blank with whatever you heard about their child) but I don’t bully kids I pity your’s for having you as a…
Every last one of these horrid parents should be doxxed and suffer the consequences. Read this yesterday on Reddit, and looked at all the screenshots of the comments. Downright disgusting.
Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ. This is heartbreaking. I don’t know if I’d be able to send my kid back to that school knowing this.
I’m lying in agonizing wait for Shrill to come out, which probably won’t be until 2019 considering they just started shooting. Sigh. Lindy, please save us!
This is maybe the most depressing thing I’ve ever read. I don’t speak to my father, but I’m in the minority with people I know.
No, I don’t think it should be. I think it should just kind of go away, honestly. I don’t think it’s time for them to have a voice right now. Of course, it’s devastating to put time into a project and have it disappear. But at the same time, this movement is so powerful and so progressive that I’m just happy to be in…
My four word endorsement: young, naked Rupert Graves. (Not that older, clad silverfoxdaddy Rupert Graves is anything to sneeze at. I am incapable of watching him in Sherlock without blurting out “FUCK, JUST TAKE ME”, which my partner greatly appreciates, I’m sure.)
I know some personal finance people hate this but I just say screw it and leave my withholdings at 0. Yeah I might be giving the government an interest free loan but I don’t get that large of a return anyways and it’s nicer not having to worry about a tax bill at the end of the day. Plus it makes me live on a budget…
Wait. I thought method acting was just an excuse to act like a raging, belligerent asshole to all your costars and film crew and to beg for everyone else to think you’re so deep and edgy, especially during awards season.