
She’s still complicit.

Exactly! Everyone knows you fly the Rising Sun when you’re hacked. The swastika is for when you’re out of Doritos.....

My question is: Did he go out and buy a new nazi flag or did he just have one lying around?

As someone in Information Security.

This is not what you do.

Oh no! Not a blue hallway full of old paintings! Essie, bring my fainting chair and the smelling salts! I’m about to have the vapors!

This was spot-on and a pleasure to read, Julianne! As someone who is very interested in fashion (and not ok with how women are shamed for it), I like to read pieces like this from someone who knows what they’re about instead of just the one-note criticism of the pricetags alone.

Well, legally, this is the correct decision.

Also a good one is Mrs. Jigglebelly. 

A good rule is that a food item is a good cat name. (Bagel!) And plural food is a great cat name. (Waffles!!)

I love “people” names for pets. The more mundane the better, so Mark, Tina, etc. get my stamp of approval.

SOOOO ADORABLE!! They remind me of my little girl when I first got her!

My mom adopted two kittens (sisters) over the weekend and the calm one allows being held like a baby, but doesn’t know what the hell to do. The other one is a homicidal muffin and just kind of explodes out of your arms during any attempt at holding in a puff of cat hair and purring.

Londoners are dumb. These ads are wonderful.

Who ever sincerely thought that Two and a Half Men* was a funny show? How the hell did it get so popular? Don’t people know that there’s Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon available with MUCH BETTER content?

Whatever else Joanie was, she was a company man. Her husband Alfred Steele was CEO of PepsiCo who owned Frito-Lay so of course she’d contribute to a Frito-Lay cookbook. I’d be surprised if this was her recipe —I can’t imagine she’d allow for the Fritos crumbs in the carpet if nothing else— but she was SO GOOD at that

Now playing

Quincy Jones’ success in such a variety of styles makes him especially unique. Here are three hits that, if one didn’t know better, would be hard to believe all came from the same producer:

That’s the issue. In your case it would be really cool to see how many other people have the same traits/genes/conditions and do data analysis and perhaps come up with a solution.

I’m super curious as to his motives. From the article, it sounds like he really wanted to talk to other men in a sexual way, and wasn’t specifically using it to get back at or punish his ex-girlfriend (obviously, his total disregard for her right to privacy is fucked up regardless of his intentions). 

using your ex-girlfriend’s pics to catfish other men is a kind of fucked up I’ve never heard about before! always new kinds of fucked up to learn about