
I actually have an Aunt Clara who has worn a Gibson Girl topknot every single day of her life, so that sentence in this of all stories is cracking me up.

Omg I’m sitting at my desk with tears streaming from my eyes right now. This is internet GOLD.

What is even more offensive and simultaneously brain-meltingly idiotic is that Nikki Haley is herself Indian — like her parents emigrated from India. So Nikki Haley, an Indian American, is conflating Indian as in from the subcontinent and Indian as in Native American to make a joke for rich, white Irish and Italian peo

Ovarian cancer is terrifying and I’m sending you internet hugs. An extremely close family friend was diagnosed late last summer after going to the doctor for persistent bloating - that was her only symptom. She was diagnosed late but made it through treatment fairly well all things considered. Unfortunately, it

This was an excellent piece! I’m reading Rebecca now (for the first time) and it is so good. I’m about halfway through and I don’t really get how people can see Maxim in a positive light? Like nothing has really happened yet but he’s been such a douche this whole time. I always loved me some Rochester though. ‾\_(ツ)_/‾

Same! I was in elementary school when this all went down and other than the big cultural touchstone moments I really did not know very much about what happened. The Juanita Broaddrick stuff was really shocking and sad and definitely impacted how I view Bill. 

Omg YES.

No, I get what you’re saying! Tripp’s assessment felt condescending and like a convenient way to justify Tripp’s actions. My take from Tripp’s interview was that Tripp almost viewed her as someone with a cognitive handicap or a full on child. It’s pretty insulting to equate immaturity and lack of experience with

Linda Tripp’s interview in Slow Burn made me sooo angry. She basically implied that not only was Monica young, she was exceedingly immature... to the point that she lacked capacity to consent to anything. Monica was young and likely naive, but who is Linda Tripp to not only take away Monica’s agency but use that as a

YES! For years I’ve said I could take all of him except the face and my friends are horrified but still I’ve persisted! There are dozens of us!

That’s definitely true, but she’s not hardcore enough to live apart from her spouse forever and there is absolutely no way in hell she’ll ever willingly give up that Bravo money.

WHY IS EVERYONE BURYING THE LEDE ABOUT NINA?! I mean, I’m excited about Christian Siriano too but come one, Nina’s the PR GOAT (after Tim Gunn, obviously).

Now playing

I don’t know if I will ever recover from Jenna Dewan and Channing Tatum divorcing. I don’t really care that much for them as individuals but their meet cute in Step Up was adorable and they seemed to really be in love.

She’s going to leave him. He’s been a weight around her neck for the last few years and she was clearly staying with him for her case (you need to keep the person you’re throwing under the bus happy) and to keep up appearances but she was always going to divorce him after he got out. Now that he will be deported and

That was definitely what happened to me and I feel so bad about it!

I’m just hoping in addition to the summer camp misinterpretation we also get at least one person who thinks it is a reference to where Theresa Guidice was in prison. Ya know...da camps.”