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Hey, Kelly Clarkson’s hanging in there. I saw her on a talk show a few weeks ago. She’s on...The Voice.

And we all know that fetuses are people too. Won’t someone protect the inalienable right of fetuses to own a firearm?

What?! That’s crazy!! I’m sorry, friend! If nothing else, Bravo will put the whole season back up before they air the next one. Hopefully, you won’t have to wait that long though!

It doesn’t even need to be abroad! Find me one episode from the Berkshires that wasn’t over the top crazy and amazing.

100% YES. Season 1 got better by the end because LeeAnn started seriously losing her shit. But if you’re struggling, start with the second season. It’s absolutely hilarious. Then go back and watch the’ll have more patience for the slower parts of the season.


“Her husband gets his dick sucked at the Roundup and I know the boys who did it!”

This trailer actually gave me hope this season could be interesting. Hell, Dallas turned it around last season.

Omg that’s amazing!

EXACTLY. As I read this all I could this of was how Detox and Trinity have in the most recent regular and All Stars seasons VERY PROMINENTLY discussed the extreme amount of plastic surgery they’ve had so they don’t have to pad like many other girls.

Maybe it’s harsh but my list of automatic swipe lefts also includes people who pose with fish. I’ve found the overlap of dead-fish holders and gun nuts to be less of a venn diagram and more of just a single circle.


Why do all the fun things have to happen in NYC? :(

I was about to complain too until I got to 00:28. 😂

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Maybe Trump won’t realize that despite being spelled and pronounced differently, English aluminium is the same thing as regular aluminum?

That is so interesting and I hope PACER changes their practices. I do compliance work so my company won’t pay for me to have a PACER account and I feel like I miss all the good stuff. :(

A lot of the RHs have been in a lull but I don’t know how you can say that about RHONY. Season 8 was possibly an all time high after Scary Island season. Season 9 wasn’t as good, but it had a high bar to measure up to. It still brought us another unhinged trip in the Poconos and the beauty of every single thing from

Not to mention that the Lu falling in the bushes night was the same night as Dorinda drunkenly stabbing herself! In any other franchise it would have been a big deal but it barely made a blip on RHONY.